In Lakota mythology, Ictinike (also known as Ikto, Iktomi, Inktomi, Unktome, and Unktomi due to language differences) is a spider trickster spirit, inventor of lies and culture hero. He is said to have taught the Native American tribes of the plains the art of war, and is associated with war, treachery and deceit.
"A knowledgeable hero of Sioux lore and son of the sun god. Cast out of the heavens for angering his father, he lived a life of mischief and trickery on Earth. But when he tried to trick the beaver, kingfisher, squirrel, and muskrat, who were believed to be the creator gods, he was punished. He also taught the Sioux to fight."
—Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse compendium
Ictinike can be found within Kanda-no-yashiro. He can bestow Nanashi the Damascus Claw, Fang Breaker and Scratch Dance skills through his Demon Whisper. Ictinike benefits from learning Physical, Fire and Force skills.
Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]
An angel of Muspellheim, he is the angel that disguised himself as Phegor earlier in the story of Ice Book and faced Akira in that form. He is later fought in Soorufiyoru, and can be recruited in the Pitfall Forest after beating the game.
Devil Survivor 2[]
"A knowledgeable hero of Sioux lore, son of the sun god. Cast out of the heavens for angering his father, he lived a life of mischief and trickery on Earth. But when he tried to trick the beaver, kingfisher, squirrel, and muskrat, who were believed to be the creator gods, he was punished. He also taught the Sioux to fight."