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Hyperic (ハイペリック*)? is a character in Metaphor: ReFantazio. He is a sanctor of the Sanctist Church that appears in Eupha's Follower bond events.



Hyperic is an ishkia sanctor that takes care of patients suffering from melancholia. However, he does not know what melancholia is and believes that Sanctist prayers will solve the illness.

Eupha and the protagonist get involved with him during their Rank 2 follower bond event when Eupha notices the smell of incense in a church in Port Brilehaven. According to him, he was taking care of Ovi, an eugief whose mother fell horribly ill. He appears to be friendly and tells the mustari Eupha that he will teach her about Sanctism if she is interested. In their next meeting, he and Eupha have an exchange on their respective religion and asks if she and the protagonist wants to convert. The protagonist turns down the offer and the conversation was interrupted when Ovi's mother let out a loud voice. Hyperic goes back to the church to take care of the patient.

Unbeknown to himself, taking care of melancholized patients caused him to succumb himself. On their rank 4 follower event, Eupha and the protagonist go to the church's sickroom to meet Hyperic again, who was taking care of several patients. According to him, the patients were affected by a mysterious illness that they cannot identify, and they even hired a skilled healer to no avail. Those who are afflicted are prone to violence and only Sanctist followers are affected, which makes him believe that the illness is caused by demonic possession and that only prayers to the almighty will solve it. In actuality, the disease is heavily implied to be melancholization and he and several others are putting themselves at risk by locking themselves in a place filled with stagnant magla exerted by the melancholizing patients. He shows the first signs of succumbing to melancholization himself when Eupha tells him that there must be other methods than prayers to solve the infections, where unlike the previous time where he came across differing opinions, he became unusually hostile and drives them away from the sickroom. The next time the protagonist and Eupha return to the church, they were driven away from the doorstep by several hostile Sanctists accusing them as pagans.

Eventually, they return to the church and found out that all of the patients in the sickroom and Hyperic are missing. However, the sanctor left a diary stating that he and his believers will soon throw themselves to a volcano. Eupha deducts that he went to Mt. Vulkano to sacrifice himself and his followers in a fit of melancholia-induced insanity. They go to the volcano alongside the rest of the party during Eupha's rank 7 event, where he was found almost succumbing completely to melancholization and is on the verge of becoming a human himself, barely even capable of making out coherent sentences. They put him down and save the believers he kidnapped, and managed to convince the believers about the dangers of blind faith, including the group of hostile sanctists prior and earn their trust.


  • Eupha is forced in the party during this fight.
  • Casts Curse Chant when his HP drops to 50% or below.
Mad Sanctor Hyperic
Type Level HP Turn Icons
Person 65 12,000 2
Slash Pierce Strike Fire Ice Elec Wind Light Dark Almi
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Normal Drop Rare Drop
Talisman of the Night Inquisitor's Crosier
Mage Omniscience Medium Almighty damage to all foes.
Mage Divinity Heavy Light damage to all foes.
Mage Hellscape Heavy Dark damage to all foes.
Mage Mirrorbreaker Negates one enemy's Repel Magic skill.
Curse Chant Chance of inflicting Hex on all foes.

Battle Quotes[]

  • "Heretic! Handmaid of the devil! Do you not see it is our destiny to perish! It is God's divine will!" (Pre-battle, speaking to Eupha)
  • "This entire world, and all its failed creations belong to the AlMigHtY!"
  • "As God's messenger, I shall rain juDgEmENt down upon you both!"
  • "PRAyers! with My prAyErS! i shaLL GuiDE thE powERLESS AND foolish mAssES!" (Start of battle)
  • "I WiLL GuiDE YoU BY my HAnD" (Randomly on someone's turn)
  • "We WIll DeLIvER yOU fROM EvIL!" (Randomly on someone's turn)
  • "AhhhAhhH"(Randomly, when attacked)
  • "UgH.... Ahhh AHHhhh" (Randomly, when attacked)
  • "ImpoSsiBlE" (Randomly, when attacked)
  • "RaAAgH!"
  • "YoU wiLL fALL bY MY HaND!"
  • "nGh..wHy!? wHy haS goD... given ME SUch an Ordeal to OvercoMe...!" (HP under 50%)
  • "cLOsuREIIii!!!!" (Using Curse Chant)
  • "BuT... I MuST GrANT YoU sALvaTIOn..." (Randomly on someone's turn, when low HP)
  • "WraGHHH" (Defeated; killed)


  • When the party kills Hyperic, all of the believers he took care of (and tried to throw down into Mt. Vulkano) automatically regain their senses. This implies that Hyperic was burdening all of their anxieties and putting him down releases all of the magla back to them.

Enemies Homo Tenta - Homo Oppo - Homo Fios - Homo Orelon - Homo Frostine - Homo Fizic - Homo Stormmu - Homo Pento - Homo Luano - Homo Casco
Bosses Homo Gorleo - Homo Avades - Greatworm Homo Butera - Homo Jaluzo - Sea Horror Homo Sabara - Homo Margo & Malvirta Drako Eht - Melancholia Zorba - Archdemon Louis Charadrius - Destroyer Charadius
Sub-Bosses Homo Fulquilo - Homo Flaemo
Sidequest Bosses Homo Pento - Homo Sondro
Other Enemies
Demi-humans Goborn - Manhunter Goborn - Hexer Goborn - Archer Goborn - Goborn Esto - Manhunter Goborn Esto - Hexer Goborn Esto - Archer Goborn Esto - Kapcerto - Goborn Ligo - Kapcerto Sondro - Archer Goborn Ligo - Hexer Goborn Ligo - Manhunter Goborn Ligo - Kaprasarto
Birds Wild Corvo - Raptor Corvo - Kokasados - Leogryph
Insectoids Nocross - Vesp - Papyros - Nocpur
Plants Canibaflo - Gangaflo - Mageleaf Alento - Tropic Alento - Ostolfo
Beasts Feral Hundo - Watchdog Hundo - Hyeno - Vicious Hundo - Mad Watchdog Hundo - War Wulhas - Hellhound Diabundo - Chimenza - Manjula - Crag Manjula - Lava Manjula
Undead Bow Malmorta - Spear Malmorta - Sword Malmorta - Civilian Morneto - Soldier Morneto - Noble Morneto - Monk Morneto - Bow Captain Malmorta - Sword Captain Malmorta - Spear Captain Malmorta - Cursewight Magileto - Bow Slave Malmorta - Spear Slave Malmorta - Sword Slave Malmorta - Spekto - Bow Soldier Malmorta - Sword Soldier Malmorta - Spear Soldier Malmorta - Bow Noble Malmorta - Sword Noble Malmorta - Spear Noble Malmorta - Kadablich - Spekto of Lament - Summon Knight Skeleto - Faithwight Magileto - Spekto of Fury - Spellwight Magileto
Mollusks Gelatinos - Serpetia - Vampiric Gelatinos - Aquatic Shuper - Colossal Gelatinos - Colossal Vampire Gelatinos - Terrestrial Shuper - Benepetia
Mimics Sandworm Valmo - Lifewrought Gargoz - Juvenile Rockworm Valmo - Pyrite Imitec - Alpha Rockworm Valmo - Potolpo - Trove Imitec - Waterworm Valmo - Spellwrought Gargosta - Potolpo Verda - Showworm Valmo - Potolpo Brua - Wrathwrought Gargosta - Bloodcoin Imitec
Spirits Blue Elmenta - Red Elmenta - Green Elmenta - Gold Elmenta
Giant Guptauros - Orgo - Psyocro - Guptauron
Personnel State Army Soldier - Mage Soldier - Louisian Captain - Sanctist Monk - Bandit (Slim) - Bandit (Large)
Major Bosses Captain Klinger - Cirsium Zorba - Undead Grius - Monk Captain Gideaux - Heismay - Glodell & Hector - Louis Guiabern - Sogne the Icebound - More
Sub-Bosses Sergeant Xanth - Maintenance Chief Ceiba - Helmsman Cabio - Guard Chief Salva
Sidequest/Optional Bosses Fire Dragon Mauna - Grotesque Guptauros - Goborn King - Orgas - Maneater Manjula - Kokasadors - Kadablich - Fatolich - Alpha Rockworm Valmo - Pysocropos - Leogron - Zicropos - Icebeast Chimenzahn & Montarian Spear Soldier - Ordemos - Kokamordos - Mad Sanctor Hyperic - Bandit Chief Cistus - Serial Killer Vinca - Devourer of Stars - Devourer of Nations - Devourer of Flames - Elegy of the Soul - Redscale Apocalypse Dragon
Tournament Candidates Milo the Adonis - Loveless the Hedonist - Rudolf the Roussiante Lion - Catherina the Bounty Queen - Lina the Machinist - Demo Man Goddard - Jin the Charlatan - Roger the Libertarian