This topic is in need of research for the following reason: * How is HP cost calculated in terms of decimals? Are decimals rounded before or after Hunger multiplier?
This can be discussed on the article's talk page.
In Persona 5, combatants inflicted with Hunger have their attack power down to roughly one third and can stack with -kaja and -nda effects to lower the damage dealt even further.
In Digital Devil Saga, Hunger is a special plot-based ailment that is only seen in the second phase of the fight against Varin Omega's Atma form, Ravana and in the last phase of the battle against Jenna Angel's Atma form, Harihara. Characters afflicted with Hunger either do nothing and lose HP or attack their allies with a physical attack. Sera's Song of Grace is the only way to remove Hunger and if there is more than one character afflicted, Sera will select a random character to use Song of Grace on.
It is very likely that Hunger was one of the ailments added later in development, as an unusedPatra-equivalent item cures only "Forget/Dizzy/Sleep" without Hunger.
If the game is hacked accordingly, it can be discovered that enemies cannot be afflicted by Hunger.