Houri are mystical spirits that exist in heaven according to the teachings of Islam. The Houri are described as being modest, beautiful virgins that linger in Paradise. They are hairless, other than on their heads; transparent to the marrow of their bones; and eternally young. They are extremely pure and despite most descriptions being of women, the original Arabic term can refer to a beautiful, pure companion of either gender (which is also referenced in the Qur'an). The Qur'an describes that anyone who enters paradise is promised a beautiful companion of their opposite gender (which refers to the houri) and becomes an houri.
Houri is the Initial Persona of Yuka Ayase, and has balanced stat growth. The persona can be recreated in the Velvet Room by using the Flame Shawl Totem for a fusion resulting in the Magician Arcana. When returned to the Velvet Room at MAX Rank, Houri yields a Balm of Life.
Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]
Houri has the power Male Appeal and can be found in the Dem Underworld areas.