Megami Tensei Wiki

Physical Icon IS Havoc or Battle Arts (戦技) is a physical attack element in the early Shin Megami Tensei and Persona games. It consists primarily of attacks using weapons natural to a demon's body, such as claws or fangs. Rush / Charge (突撃), Technique / Dex (技), and Needle (針) (Shin Megami Tensei only) were initially separate Elements until being merged together in Persona 2 as Havoc.


List of Skills[]

Shin Megami Tensei[]


Skill Effect
Feral Claw Claws two enemies
Venom Claw Claws two enemies and poisons them
Stun Claw Claws two enemies and Paralyzes them
Fatal Strike Inflicts physical damage
Tail Damages one group of enemies
Critical Delivers a mighty blow against one enemy


Skill Effect
Feral Bite Bites one enemy
Venom Bite Bites one enemy and Poisons it
Stun Bite Bites one enemy and Paralyzes it
Stone Bite Bites one enemy and Petrifies it
Charm Bite Bites one enemy and Charms it
Tackle Charges into an enemy and damages it
Razor Wire Strangles one enemy and Binds it
Berserk Damages one group of enemies
Squash Crushes one enemy


Skill Effect
99 Needles Damages multiple enemies
Toxic Sting Shoots a needle at an enemy and Poisons it
Stun Needle Shoots a needle at an enemy and Paralyzes it

Shin Megami Tensei II[]


  • In Shin Megami Tensei II, Tech was broken down into Punch Techniques (手技), Kick Techniques (足技), and Flying Techniques (飛技).
Skill Effect
Claw Light Tech attack to 2 foes.
Venom Claw Light Tech attack to 2 foes. Inflicts Poison.
Paralysis Claw Light Tech attack to 2 foes. Inflicts Bind.
Punch Light Punch attack to one foe.
Backfist Medium Punch attack to one foe.
Iron Punch Light Punch attack to all foes. Inflicts Close.
Tekken Punch Light Punch attack to 1-3 foes.
Fujin Ge Light Punch attack to one foe. Inflicts freeze.
Raitei Light Punch attack to one foe. Inflicts shock.
Akasha Arts Medium Punch attack to all foes.
Bodhisattva's Palm Heavy Punch attack to one foe. Damage increases with user's HP.
Kick Light Kick attack to one foe.
Roundhouse Kick Medium Kick attack to one foe.
Jump Kick Medium Kick attack to 1-3 foes.
Raiten Heavy Kick attack to 2 foes. Damage increases with user's HP.
Needle Light Flying attack to one foe.
Paralysis Needle Light Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Bind.
Needle Rush Light Flying attack to 3-5 foes.
Wingbeat Light Flying attack to all foes.
Fog of Temptation Light Flying attack to all foes. Inflicts Charm.
Vomit Light Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Poison.
Amaha Dance Medium Flying attack to one foe. Inflicts Paralysis.
Scan Medium Flying attack to 2 foes. Inflicts Paralysis.


Skill Effect
Bite Light Rush damage to one foe.
Venom Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison.
Paralysis Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Bind.
Stone Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Stone.
Charm Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Charm.
Constrict Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Bind.
Hell-Stomp Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Close.
Cleave Light Rush damage to all foes.
Rampage Light Rush damage to all foes.
Crush Medium Rush damage to one foe.
Tackle Medium Rush damage to one foe. Low accuracy.
Showtime Light Rush damage to one foe and user.

Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]


Skill Effect
Scratch Light Tech damage to two foes.
Poison Scratch Light Tech damage to two foes. Inflicts Poison.
Paralysis Scratch Light Tech damage to two foes. Inflicts Bind.
Poison Needle Light Tech attack to one foe. Inflicts Poison.
Paralysis Needle Light Tech attack to 2-3 foes. Inflicts Paralysis.
Needle Rush Light Tech damage to 3-5 foes.
Wing Flap Light Tech damage to all foes.
Hell Fist Light Tech damage to one foe.
Backhand Blow Light Tech damage to one foe.
Tekken Punch Light Tech damage to 1-3 foes.
Fujin Attack Light Tech damage to all foes. Inflicts Freeze.
Raijin Attack Light Tech damage to all foes. Inflicts Shock.
Hammer Punch Massive Tech damage to 1-3 foes.
Bodhisattva's Palm Heavy Tech damage to one foe.
Akasha Arts Light Tech damage to all foes.
Heel Drop Light Tech damage to one foe.
Inazuma Kick Light Tech damage to one foe.
Jump Kick Light Tech damage to 1-3 foes.
Raitei Kick Heavy Tech damage to two foes.
Vulcan Kick Massive Tech damage to 3-5 foes.
Death String Medium Tech damage to all foes. Inflicts Bind.
Needle Tail Medium Tech damage to all foes. Inflicts Poison.
Large Beheading Medium Tech damage to one foe. May instantly kill.
Vomit Light Tech damage to one foe. May poison.
Darkness Roar Medium Tech damage to all foes. Inflicts Panic on demons.


Spell Effect
Bite Light Rush damage to one foe.
Poison Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Poison.
Charm Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Charm.
Paralysis Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Paralysis.
Petra Bite Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Stone.
Squash Light Rush damage to one foe.
Constrict Light Rush damage to one foe. Inflicts Bind.
Tackle Medium Rush damage to one foe. Low accuracy.
Berserk Light Rush damage to all foes.
Cleave Light Rush damage to all foes.
Tempest Medium Rush damage to 1-3 foes. Inflicts Paralysis.
Megaton Press Heavy Rush damage to 2-4 foes.

Megami Ibunroku Persona[]


Skill Effect
Spin Kick Light Tech damage (1 foe)
Thunder Kick Light Tech damage (1 foe)
Genocide Fan Light Tech damage (1 foe)
Poison Claw Light Tech damage+Poison (1 foe)
Stun Claw Light Tech damage+Paralyze (1 foe)
Virus Claw Light Tech damage+Sick (1 foe)
Stone Claw Light Tech damage+Petrify (1 foe)
Toxic Sting Light Tech damage+Poison (area)
Stun Needle Light Tech damage+Paralyze (area)


Skill Effect
Wing Flap Light Rush damage (1 foe)
Feral Bite Light Rush damage (1 foe)
Venom Bite Light Rush damage+Poison (1 foe)
Stun Bite Light Rush damage+Paralyze (1 foe)
Squash Medium Rush damage (1 foe)
Tackle Medium Rush damage (1 foe)
Heavenly Hit Heavy Rush damage (1 foe)


Skill Effect
Dissolvent 1 damage each turn (1 foe)
Sweet Trap Special Phys damage (1 foe)
Drumroll Punch Random damage (area)
Viper Smash Special Phys damage+Charge (1 foe)
Last Resort Heavy special Phys damage (all foes) *
Binal Strike Special Phys damage; user dies (area)
Self-Destruct Instant kill; user dies (1 foe)

Persona 2: Innocent Sin[]

Skill Effect
Feral Bite Deal low Havoc damage to one enemy.
Venom Bite Deal low Havoc + Almighty damage to one enemy. May poison.
Stun Bite Deal low Havoc + Nerve damage to one enemy. May sleep.
Feral Claw Deal low Havoc damage to one enemy.
Poison Claw Deal low Havoc + Almighty damage to one enemy. May poison.
Stun Claw Deal low Havoc + Nerve damage to one enemy. May sleep.
Bash Deal medium Havoc damage to one enemy.
Tackle Deal medium Havoc + Mind damage to one enemy. May panic.
Assault Dive Deal medium Havoc damage to one enemy.
Wing Flap Deal medium Havoc damage to all enemies.
Skewer Deal high Havoc damage to one enemy.
Photon Cannon Deal high Havoc damage to all enemies.
Swift Strike Deal low Havoc + Elec damage multiple times to all enemies. May shock.
Frenzy Deal low Havoc damage multiple times to all enemies.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment[]

Skill Effect
Digesting Liquid Inflicts small Attack damage + Poisoned effect to an enemy.
Bite Inflicts small Attack damage to an enemy.
Poison Bite Inflicts small Attack + Poisoned effect damage to an enemy.
Tranquilizing Bite Inflicts small Attack damage + Sleep effect to an enemy.
Tackle Inflicts moderate Attack damage to an enemy.
Assault Dive Inflicts moderate Attack damage to an enemy.
Skewer Inflicts small Attack damage + Unconscious effect to an enemy.
Wingbeat Inflicts small Attack damage to all enemies.
Lightning Speed Inflicts small Attack damage + Shocked effect damage to all enemies.
Great Rage Inflicts moderate Attack damage to all enemies.
Photon Cannon Inflicts large Attack damage to all enemies.
Megaton Press Inflicts severe Attack damage to all enemies.

Weapon Strike (Axe - Fist - Whip) - Slash (Sword - Two Handed) - Pierce (Gun - Spear - Bow - Thrown)
Other Havoc (Rush - Tech - Special) - Hunt Skill - Extra Skills - Passive Skills - Auto Skill - Racial Skill - All-out Attack
Elemental Fire - Ice - (Wind/Force) - Electricity - Earth - Water - Psychokinesis - Gravity - Nuclear - Bless - Curse
Light Light (Expel) - Recovery (Miracle/Bless) - Support (Prayer)
Dark Dark (Death) - Curse/Mystic - Occult - Nerve
Other Almighty - Ailment - Fusion - Miscellaneous - Force (Spell Type)
Skill Lists
Megami Tensei Megami Tensei - II - Kyūyaku
Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei - II - if... - NINE (Combos) - III: Nocturne - 20XX - IMAGINE - Strange Journey - IV / Apocalypse - V
Last Bible Last Bible - II - Another - III
Majin Tensei Majin Tensei - II: Spiral Nemesis - Ronde
Devil Summoner Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - Raidou vs. The Soulless Army - Raidou vs. King Abaddon - Soul Hackers 2
Persona Megami Ibunroku Persona - 2: Innocent Sin (Fusion Spells) - 2: Eternal Punishment (Fusion Spells) - 3 (Fusion Spells) - 4 / Arena Ultimax - Q - 5 (Royal) - Strikers - Tactica -Q2
Devil Children Red/Black/White Book - DemiKids - Fire/Ice Book - Messiah Riser
Digital Devil Saga Avatar Tuner (Mantra / Combos) - Avatar Tuner 2 (Mantra / Combos)
Devil Survivor Devil Survivor (Overclocked) - Devil Survivor 2 (Record Breaker)
Other Giten Megami Tensei - Card Summoner - Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE