Megami Tensei Wiki

Halphas's Essence is an item in Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.


"Mostly ailment skills; some attack as well. Slightly strong against/Light/Dark."
—Halphas's Essence Help description

An Essence containing the power of Fallen Halphas. Halphas's Essence allows the Nahobino to learn Halphas' skills or take on his Resistances during Apotheosis - Essence fusion in the World of Shadows. It can be obtained from defeating Halphas in Da'at: Minato, negotiating with Halphas or as a level up gift from a Halphas in the Nahobino's stock.

Halphas's Essence becomes available for purchase once the Nahobino arrives in Da'at: Shinagawa for 3,000 macca.


Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance[]

Level Race Demon
11 Fallen Halphas
PhysIcon SMTV FireIcon SMTV IceIcon SMTV ElecIcon SMTV ForceIcon SMTV LightIcon SMTV DarkIcon SMTV
- - - Weak - Resist Resist
Skill Effect Cost
Dormina Chance of inflicting Sleep to 1 foe. 10 MP
Marin Karin Chance of inflicting Charm to 1 foe. 10 MP
Mazan Weak Force attack to all foes. 15 MP
Makajama Chance of inflicting Seal to 1 foe. 10 MP