Genkuro is a protagonist in the Japanese play Yoshitsune Senbon Sakura. Genkuro is a kitsune who shapeshifts into a subordinate to befriend the general Yoshitsune. Yoshitsune has a drum made from kitsune pelts that Genkuro wants returned to his people. He helps Yoshitsune with magical powers several times in their journeys together.
Genkuro is an angel residing in the Earth Angels Village alongside his friend Hope. In the past, he attempted to protect the village from invading demons, only to be beaten. Akira can travel back in time and aid him in fighting the demons. Genkuro takes on one by himself, and Akira must let him handle it as well as telling him the right option to defeat the enemy. Returning to the present and talking to him will have him join the party in gratitude for Akira's help.