The Erinyes, also known as Furies or Furiae, were female deities of vengeance or supernatural personifications of the anger of the dead in Greek mythology. They represent regeneration and the potency of creation, which both consumes and empowers. They were said to be the physical embodiment of the gods' vengeance. When the TitanCronus castrated his father Ouranos and threw his genitalia into the sea, the Erinyes emerged from the drops of blood, while Aphrodite was born from the seafoam. Their number is usually left indeterminate.
They are sometimes named among the Harpies who live in Hades, the Greek underworld. The Erinyes would pursue sinners to the ends of the earth to catch them and take their souls to the underworld, where they would be given unendurable punishments to fit their crimes. However, the Erinyes never killed their victims.
The three well known Erinyes were Alecto ("unceasing"), Megaera ("grudging") and Tisiphone ("avenging murder"). Alecto was charged with punishing those who committed moral crimes as anger, especially when used against others, and was the goddess of Anger. Megaera was the goddess of Jealousy; she punished those who had committed crimes such as cheating and adultery. Tisiphone was the third sister and the goddess of Vengeance, punishing those who have committed the crimes of murder. In Roman mythology, they were known as the Eumenides ("Gracious Ones") or the Furiae.
In Dante's Inferno, Dante followed Virgil in depicting the same three triptych of Erinyes. The heads of these Erinyes were wreathed with serpents and their eyes dripped with blood, rendering their appearance rather horrific. Sometimes they had the wings of a bat or bird and the body of a dog.
"Origin: Rome. An avenger of gods, and a goddess of revenge. The Furiae are harpies from Hell, said to take souls away to suffer endless agonies. The three Furies are Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera."
—Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]
"The three goddesses of revenge in Roman mythology. In Greek mythology they were known as the Erinyes. They are sometimes named among the Harpies who live in hell. The Furiae would pursue sinners to the ends of the earth to catch them and take their souls to hell, where they would be given unendurable punishments to fit their crimes. However, the Furiae never killed their victims. The three Furiaes were named Alecto ("unceasing"), Tisiphone ("avenging murder"), and Megaera ("grudging"). They were said to be the physical embodiment of the gods' vengeance. However, in Roman mythology, they were also known as the Eumenides ("Gracious Ones"). "
—Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE compendium
Furiae can be only obtained through fusion. She appears as a boss at the end of Shibuya's Quartz bronze level instance and returns as a reoccurring mini-boss in its gold level instance and as support for Ares in the Electronic Corridor instance.