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The following is a list of quotes by Goro Akechi from Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal.

Main Story[]

  • "I may not seem like it, but I sometimes wish that Santa Claus actually existed. Although if he did, I'd have to arrest him for breaking and entering."
  • "My apologies, I truly was just passing by. I must be going. There's a briefing for tomorrow's recording that I have to attend. So, you're going to go have cake now? I missed lunch today, so I'm quite hungry myself... Oh, am I mistaken? I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes... No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow." (meeting with Ann, Ryuji, and the protagonist on June 9)
  • "It seems I'm unwelcome no matter where I go. ...... ...Did I bother you? My apologies. Apparently, my mother was in a relationship with some low-life of a man... She was swiftly discarded when he learned she was pregnant... That despair would lead to her death. Thanks to him, I was passed from foster home to foster home. But, I do quite well by myself these days." (Akechi to the protagonist in Leblanc, August 28)
  • "Once they lost public support, someone they thought was their greatest enemy lent a hand... That's the same strategy used in romance, wouldn't you agree?"
  • "Please don't troll me online for this interruption, OK?"
  • "None of these people know that I was an undesirable child. I wanted people to rely on me... I wanted to be needed... I devoted myself to my studies, acted as an honor student, and made my name as an ace detective. And thanks to the Nav app and the Persona bestowed upon me by the gods... I managed to dispose of any who got in my way." (Akechi to himself on TV)
  • "You don't allow yourself to be enslaved by such things as human relations or past selves... And so, your heart is always free. The exact opposite of mine. To be honest, I'm envious... I wonder why we couldn't have met a few years earlier, <Protagonist>..." (Confronting Akechi in Shido's Palace)
  • "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Teammates!? Friends!? To hell with that! Why am I inferior to you...!? I was extremely particular about my life, my grades, my public image, so someone would want me around! I am an ace detective... a celebrity! But you... You're just some criminal trash living in an attic! So how!? How does someone like you have things I don't!? How can such a worthless piece of trash be more special than me!?"
  • “Here... I'll show you who I really am. Come! Loki!“ (Akechi summons Loki in Shido's Palace)
  • “Don't make me laugh! Justice? Righteous?! Keep that shit to yourselves! You and your teammates piss me off!“ (Akechi transforms into the Black Mask)
  • “You're going down... I'll destroy you... Go down with me!“ (Akechi turns psychotic)
  • “Now, let's see you drop dead one at a time, in front of your precious friends! Diiiiiiiiie!!!!!“
  • “I will carve my own path for myself… I refuse to accept a reality concocted by someone else, stuck under their control for the rest of my days." (Akechi to Joker, February 2)
  • ""I will never accept this form of reality. I’m done being manipulated. Let’s go back… to our true reality.” (Akechi to Joker, refusing Maruki's offer before awakening Hereward)
  • “What’s a life worth in a reality that was cooked up just to satisfy someone else? I say none.” (Akechi to Joker after awakening Hereward)
  • "Enough of this high-and-mighty bullshit! You're pissing me off!" (Maruki telegraphing movement ban)


Ally – Crow

  • "Robin Hood!" (Using Persona skill)
  • "Now, Robin!" (Using Persona skill)
  • "Loki!" (Using Persona skill - unused)
  • "Arise, Loki!" (Using Persona skill - unused)
  • "My skills exceed yours!" (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "Taste my wrath!" (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "Manifest!" (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "Persona!" (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "It doesn't die!" (Akechi's attack or skill doesn't defeat the enemy)
  • "I was merciful." (Akechi's attack or skill doesn't defeat the enemy)
  • "Very clever..." (Akechi misses or skill fails to inflict damage)
  • "Someone cover me!" (Akechi misses)
  • "Saw that." (Akechi dodges)
  • "Too slow!" (Akechi dodges)
  • "One down, now it's two!" (Akechi reduces the enemies to two)
  • "It's the last one!" (Akechi reduces the enemies to one)
  • "You need my help?" (Initiating Follow-Up)
  • "Understood. Moving in!" (Follow-Up attack)
  • "Crow, following up!" (Follow-Up attack)
  • "We're still fighting!" (Using Harisen Recovery on an ally)
  • "How inconvenient." (Using Harisen Recovery on an ally)
  • "Back to the field!" (Using Harisen Recovery on an ally)
  • "I'll use this!" (Using an Item)
  • "There." (Giving Baton Pass)
  • "Best to change here." (Giving Baton Pass)
  • "I'll do my best!" (Receiving Baton Pass)
  • "Roger." (Receiving Baton Pass)
  • "Allow me." (Receiving Baton Pass)
  • "My turn." (Receiving Baton Pass)
  • "This can't be..." (Incapacitated)
  • "Lucky hit..." (Incapacitated)
  • "Ugh, electrified!" (Inflicted with Shock)
  • "That takes care of that. Let's move!" (Battle results)
  • "Let's keep up this pace!" (Battle results)
  • "Checkmate." (Initiating Hold-Up)
  • "Freeze!" (Initiating Hold-Up)
  • "It'll be a massacre!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "This is what I was waiting for!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "They're scattered!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "Learned your lesson?" (All-Out Attack finishing touch)
  • "Stay out of our way." (All-Out Attack finishing touch)
  • "That is the taste of defeat!" (All-Out Attack finishing touch)
  • "Just watch me." (Tactics changed to Act Freely)
  • "Very well, there will be no survivors." (Tactics changed to Full Assault)
  • "Roger. No Persona skills." (Tactics changed to Conserve SP)
  • "Safety first." (Tactics changed to Heal/Support)
  • "I expect concise commands." (Tactics changed to Direct Commands)
  • "Time to go, withdraw!" (Escaping from battle)
  • "Nothing but trash." / "Come on, take your best shot!" (Using Taunting Aura)
  • "You can't run! (initiating showtime, Unused)
  • "You're finished!" (Initiating showtime, Unused)
  • "Allow me!" (Initiating Showtime, Unused)
  • "Showtime!" (Initiating showtime, Unused)
  • "Lets go!" (Initiating showtime, Unused)

Ally - Black Mask

  • "Persona!" (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "Fear my power!" (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "I'll break them." (Selecting Persona skill)
  • "Loki! / Hereward!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness with Persona skill)
  • "To me, Loki!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness with Persona skill)
  • "Kill them, Hereward!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness with Persona skill)
  • "Manifest!" (Attacking with offensive skill)
  • "PERSONA!" (Attacking with offensive skill)
  • "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" (Attacking with offensive skill)
  • "Get lost." (Attack with melee weapon)
  • "Slice 'em!" (Attack with melee weapon)
  • "Out of my way!" (Attack with melee weapon)
  • "Hahahahaha! See that?" (Attack with firearm)
  • "Wasting your time." (Akechi is debuffed)
  • "Oh, yeah?!" (Taking damage)
  • "You can't hurt... me...!" (Taking damage)
  • "I can be merciful." (Akechi's attack or skill doesn't defeat the enemy)
  • "Don't bother!" (Akechi dodges)
  • "It's over." (Akechi kills an enemy)
  • "Tch. / Nice timing. / No time for thanks." (Akechi's HP is recovered by someone's skill or item)
  • "Wake up!" (Using Harisen Recovery on an ally)
  • "What are you doing?!" (Using Harisen Recovery on an ally)
  • "Don't drag me down." (Using Harisen Recovery on an ally)
  • "Do the honors." (Giving Baton Pass)
  • "Stay back." (Receiving Baton Pass)
  • "Move and you die." (Initiating Hold-Up)
  • "No time for mercy, right?" (Initiating Follow-Up)
  • "Now, let's hunt them down!" (Follow-Up attack)
  • "So this is fear..." (Inflicted with Despair or Fear)
  • "God, I live for this!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "Slaughter them!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "Now let's have some fun!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "Shouldn't have pissed me off!" (All-Out Attack finishing touch)
  • "Tell me how much it hurts!" (All-Out Attack finishing touch)
  • "Oh, yeah!" (All-Out Attack finishing touch)
  • "I'm getting a warm, tingly feeling from all this power!" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "Let's do this, Joker…" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "Working together means extra pain for them!" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "I'm going to make its last moments on Earth its most painful…" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "They're wide open; let's slaughter 'em!" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "We must repay blood with blood…" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "They'll die!" (Initiating Showtime)
  • "I hate weaklings like you! - What a waste of time." (Showtime attack finisher, defeat)
  • "Stand still, you little shit!" (Showtime attack finisher)
  • "God, I feel so alive! - Well, that was disappointing." (Showtime attack finisher, defeat)
  • "You are nothing to me!" (Showtime attack finisher against boss)
  • "You don't control me!" (Showtime attack finisher against boss)
  • "I do what I want." (Tactics changed to Act Freely)
  • "I'll tear them apart!" (Tactics changed to Full Assault)
  • "No Personas for now, then." (Tactics changed to Conserve SP)
  • "I don't need your concern." (Tactics changed to Heal/Support)
  • "Don't get me killed." (Tactics changed to Direct Commands)
  • "Just trash after all." (Battle results)
  • "I can still feel the rush." (Battle results)
  • "What a let down." (Battle results)
  • "That should do..." (Using a support skill)
  • "DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!" / "Now, time for a massacre!" (Using concentrate / charge)
  • "Who's next in line to die?" / "Oh no, I'm so scared! HAHA!" (Using Taunting Aura)

Navigator (Black Mask)

  • "We've got them surrounded!" (Entering a battle via Ambush)
  • "We have the element of surprise! Fun!" (Triggering Bullet Hail)
  • "They let their guard down! They'll pay for it with their lives!" (Triggering Bullet Hail)
  • "Pathetic trash; they didn't see us at all." (Entering a battle with weak enemies via Ambush)
  • "Just one little pipsqueak. It's going to regret challenging us..." (Entering a battle with 1 weak enemy)
  • "Two weak ones; let's swat them like the flies they are." (Entering a battle with 2 weak enemies)
  • "Three enemies, all laughably weak." (Entering a battle with 3 weak enemies)
  • "They encircled us! But they're a bunch of frail wimps!" (Ambushed by weak enemies)
  • "Well, well, well. How should we kill off the last one?" (1 enemy remaining)
  • "Dying last has GOT to be the worst." (1 enemy remaining)
  • "Just two more annoyances to take care of." (2 enemies remaining)
  • "Come on! It's just these two and we're done!" (2 enemies remaining)
  • "We're nowhere near victory... But we'll get there; keep fighting!" (Party is surrounded)
  • "We can't relax yet; the enemy still has the upper hand!" (Party is surrounded)
  • "This enemy's a sad little weakling. Let's put it out of its misery!" (Analyzing a weak enemy)
  • "Let's exploit the hell out of that weakness!" (Analyzing an enemy that has a weakness)
  • "Nice! I love a good vulnerability in my enemies!" (Analyzing an enemy that has a weakness)
  • "Take advantage of that weakness!" (Analyzing an enemy that has a weakness)
  • "We don't have any skills that can hit it where it really hurts..." (Analyzing an enemy that does not have an available weakness)
  • "Shit, we don't have the skills to exploit their weaknesses. Use something else!" (Analyzing an enemy that does not have an available weakness)
  • "We can't bring them maximum pain..." (Analyzing an enemy that does not have an available weakness)
  • "Agh, we don't know shit about them! Just try different attacks." (Analyzing an enemy whose affinities are unknown)
  • "We could kill them faster if we knew their weakness... Let's find it!" (Analyzing an enemy whose affinities are unknown)
  • "Too much of the team is about to die! They need healing, stat!" (2 or more party members' HP is below 25% at the start of a turn)
  • "You make that look easy, Joker." (Protagonist dodges an attack)
  • "That's one enemy immobilized! Finish it, Joker!" (Protagonist downs an enemy)
  • "Hahahaha! That's what I like to see, Joker!" (Protagonist downs an enemy)
  • "Enemy down! That was satisfying!" (Protagonist downs an enemy)
  • "That's two knocked down, but you can do more, can't you, Joker?" (Protagonist downs 2 enemies)
  • "Ahaha, that's it, Joker! It's time to kill!" (Protagonist downs all remaining enemies)
  • "Joker took one down! I gotta keep up." (Protagonist defeats an enemy)
  • "Joker got a two-for-one deal there!" (Protagonist defeats 2 enemies)
  • "Damn, Joker! You wiped 'em out!" (Protagonist defeats the last enemy)
  • "They dodged your attack, Joker!" (Protagonist's attack or Skill misses)
  • "Joker, watch it! You're at death's door!" (Protagonist's HP is below 25% at the start of his turn)
  • "Hey Joker, instead of dying, how about we crush them together!?" (Protagonist's HP is below 25% at the start of his turn)
  • "Joker, if you die now, I... I'll kill you again myself!" (Protagonist's HP is below 25% at the start of his turn)
  • "What's going on with you!?" (Protagonist's HP is below 25% at the start of his turn)
  • "You'll pay for this with your life!" (Protagonist's HP is below 25% at the start of his turn)
  • "Joker, your strength is reduced!" (Protagonist affected by Tarunda)
  • "Joker, your defense is compromised!" (Protagonist affected by Rakunda)
  • "Joker, you've been slowed down!" (Protagonist affected by Sukunda)
  • "Joker's paralyzed with electricity!" (Protagonist is suffering from Shock)
  • "Joker's frozen! Do something before it gets worse!" (Protagonist is suffering from Freeze)
  • "Joker's more brainwashed than a cult member! He can't tell friend from foe!" (Protagonist is suffering from Brainwash)
  • "Joker's in despair! Do something before he gets himself killed!" (Protagonist is suffering from Despair)
  • "Joker can't remember anything! Least of all his Persona!" (Protagonist is suffering from Forget)
  • "Joker's mind is muddled! He might do weird stuff while confused!" (Protagonist is suffering from Confuse)
  • "Joker's enraged? I kind of like it, but it's not you! Calm down!" (Protagonist is suffering from Rage)
  • "Get up, Joker! Do you wanna die!?" (Protagonist is downed)
  • "Joker's back! Time to retaliate." (Protagonist recovers from being downed)
  • "What are you...!? Joker, get up!" (Protagonist is incapacitated)
  • "Joker! How could you let them..." (Protagonist is incapacitated)
  • "No way, they got Joker?" (When protagonist is incapacitated)
  • "Ha, that one was TOO easy to knock down!" (Akechi downs an enemy)
  • "Ah... what a lovely sight!" (Akechi downs all remaining enemies)
  • "I missed!?" (When Akechi's attack or skill misses)
  • "Agh! I'm flagging. Someone heal me!" (Akechi's HP is below 25% at the start of his turn)
  • "Argh! My... my attack's not as strong right now..." (Akechi affected by Tarunda)
  • "Agh, now my defense isn't where it should be!" (Akechi affected by Rakunda)
  • "Agh, feels like I'm trying to run in sand!" (Akechi affected by Sukunda)
  • "Dammit, I can't move! Stupid electricity!" (Akechi is suffering from Shock)
  • "Dammed fire! Now my health's dropping!" (Akechi is suffering from Burn)
  • "Gah, I can't move. I'm frozen!" (Akechi is suffering from Freeze)
  • "You're all my enemies! No, I am NOT brainwashed!" (Akechi is suffering from Brainwash)
  • "Guys... don't you see? There's no hope... we're going to die here..." (Akechi is suffering from Despair)
  • "Persona? What's that? Damn, I can't remember..." (Akechi is suffering from Forget)
  • "Uh... Where am I?" (Akechi is suffering from Confuse)
  • "YOU PIECE OF SHIT, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" (Akechi is suffering from Rage)
  • "Aaiiee! I-I don't want to do this scary shit anymore!" (Akechi is suffering from Fear)
  • "Zzz..." (Akechi is suffering from Sleep)
  • "Shit, I'm dizzy... Where's the enemy again!?" (Akechi is suffering from Dizzy)
  • "You'll pay for that!" (Akechi recovers from being downed)
  • "Not possible..." (Akechi is incapacitated)
  • "Nice move, Yoshizawa-san!" (Kasumi dodges an attack)
  • "One enemy taken out by Yoshizawa-san. Nice!" (Kasumi defeats an enemy)
  • "Whoooa, all enemies wiped out! Pretty damn good, Yoshizawa-san." (Kasumi defeats the last enemy)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's in danger of dying!" (Kasumi's HP is below 25%)
  • "Yoshizawa-san is cornered! Help her or she'll die!" (Kasumi's HP is below 25%)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's attack is lowered!" (Kasumi affected by Tarunda)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's defense is compromised!" (Kasumi affected by Rakunda)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's speed is lowered!" (Kasumi affected by Sukunda)
  • "Yoshizawa-san is paralyzed by electricity!" (Kasumi is suffering from Shock)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's frozen! Somebody help her!" (Kasumi is suffering from Freeze)
  • "Yoshizawa-san got brainwashed! She's being controlled by the enemy!" (Kasumi is suffering from Brainwash)
  • "Yoshizawa-san is despairing! Do something to help her!" (Kasumi is suffering from Despair)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's memory is damaged! She can't remember her Persona!" (Kasumi is suffering from Forget)
  • "Oh, perfect, Yoshizawa-san's confused!" (Kasumi is suffering from Confuse)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's enraged! Calm her down!" (Kasumi is suffering from Rage)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's asleep! Someone give her a wake-up call!" (Kasumi is suffering from Sleep)
  • "Yoshizawa-san's scared to death! Do something before she just runs away!" (Kasumi is suffering from Fear)
  • "Yoshizawa-san is burning! Can anyone put her out!?" (Kasumi is suffering from Burn)
  • "Yoshizawa-san is dizzy! It'll be a lot harder for her to land a hit!" (Kasumi is suffering from Dizzy)
  • "Yoshizawa-san! Wasn't anyone paying attention to her!?" (Kasumi is incapacitated)
  • "Ahahahaha! It's useless, idiot!" (When the entire party evades an attack)
  • "All right, next!" (Triggering first Baton Pass)
  • "Nice to see someone getting more power because of the Baton Pass..." (Triggering first Baton Pass)
  • "Keep it going!" (Triggering first Baton Pass)
  • "The Baton Pass gave the first passer some extra power!" (Triggering first Baton Pass)
  • "It's not in the mood to talk." (Attempting to converse with Shadow immune to negotiation)
  • "There's definitely a communication barrier with this one." (Attempting to converse with Shadow immune to negotiation)
  • "Hey, it looks cheerful. Try to be funny!" (Attempting to recruit upbeat Shadow)
  • "Looks like it doesn't have a care in the world. You should act that way, too." (Attempting to recruit upbeat Shadow)
  • "That sure is a jovial Shadow. Don't be too serious." (Attempting to recruit upbeat Shadow)
  • "Looks nervous, doesn't it? Say something to allay its fears, I guess." (Attempting to recruit timid Shadow)
  • "So, that mask any good?"" (Protagonist recruits a new Persona)
  • "Hey, that looks useful." (Getting item in negotiation)
  • "Hmph, not bad..." (Getting item in negotiation)
  • "Ah, such a rarity..." (Getting rare item in negotiation)
  • "Yeah, this is a good one." (Getting rare item in negotiation)
  • "Let's make them rue the day they refused us!" (Negotiation fails)
  • "Let's make them regret this... in their afterlife!" (Negotiation fails)
  • "Let's show them our real power." (Announcing All-Out Attack)
  • "Slice and dice!" (Announcing All-Out Attack)
  • "Ahaha! It's killing time again!" (Announcing All-Out Attack)
  • "Yeah, destroy them!" (Entering Rush mode)
  • "Heheh, let's crush them!" (Entering Rush mode)
  • "Run! Get out, get out!" (Party manages to escape from battle)
  • "We broke through! Run!" (Party escapes from battle with Kakoi Kuzushi)
  • "Quick, nab them before they get away!" (Enemy prepares to flee)
  • "One of them is trying to get away!" (Enemy prepares to flee)
  • "Shit... They got away, and now all their buddies will know about us." (An enemy flees in a Palace)
  • "No! Shit, it's gonna go warn its friends!" (An enemy flees in a Palace)
  • "This one just got betrayed by its teammate! Ha, imagine how that feels!" (An enemy flees in a Palace, with one enemy remaining)
  • "Hm, you— I mean we… can do better." (Showtime attack finisher does not kill enemy)
  • "Well! Time to be on our way." (Battle results)
  • "Pretty sad performance on their part!" (Battle results)
  • "Hahaha! We didn't even break a sweat." (Battle results)

Navigator (Prince, unused)

  • "Be careful, someone is low on health." (when ally's health is below 25%)
  • "Pay attention to your health" (when alley's health is below 25%)
  • "Don't get lazy with your healing" (when team's health is below 25%)
  • "Well this is a problem... Pay attention to your HP!" (when team's health is below 25%)
  • "You should be prepared for the unexpected and heal when their HP starts to get low"
  • "Don't forget to heal unless you want to put our lives in danger or something" (Possible warning when party's HP is below 25% when not in Battle)
  • "You seem tired, you may need to return to a safe room, for now" (Possible warning if Party or joker is low on SP or HP when not in battle)
  • "You're running low on energy... it might be time for us to pull back" (Possible if Party is low on SP)
  • "I can see the exhaustion in your face... Don't you have any restorative supplies?" (Possible warning if Party is low on SP or HP)
  • "When you're this tired, you're bound to start making mistakes, lets find a place to rest" (Possible if party is low on SP when not in battle)
  • "It seems you don't have much more energy.. Calling it day may be our best option here" (Possible if party is low on SP and doesn't have any supplies to restore)
  • "Looks like they've spotted you.. take them out before they grow more aggressive" (Spotted by enemy)
  • "Predicting a Shadow's movement is easy... just deduce it's behavior and go where it isn't going.."
  • "Its rather unlike you to let a shadow catch you..."
  • "What are you doing? I know it's just a Shadow, but you're taking this too lightly." (Ambushed by Shadows)
  • "You're going up against a Shadow, there's no reason to give it a fair fight." (Start of a battle)
  • "It appears the security level has increased..." (Possible if security level is 50%)
  • "You ARE Phantom Thieves aren't you? And you can't do a better job of avoiding Shadows than this?" (Ambushed by Shadows)
  • "Well... now that we've been spotted... the Shadows are on alert now." (Spotted or Security Level is 80% or higher)
  • "The Shadows are on alert now... This is starting to piss me off!" (Security Level is 100%)
  • "You couldn't elude a mere Shadow? Color me disappointed..."
  • "The security level has increased again! Please exercise more caution."
  • "The security level's increased... I'd never imagined you'd be so careless..."
  • "You should consider showing more caution, you're getting sloppy..."
  • "Why are you drawing the attention of all these Shadows?! Trying to make new friends or something?"
  • "Please... be more careful... you're making this harder for us then it needs to be..."
  • "Why are you being so careless?! Slow down and do it right!"
  • "Security is getting tight... thanks to your lack of caution!"
  • "Getting spotted over and over again like this is only tightening the noose around your neck."
  • "The Shadows here are getting more and more serious about eliminating us."
  • "Why are you making this so dangerous?! Are you even trying to hide?"
  • "This is bad... the enemies are getting rather serious."
  • "There's no need to play their games, we could try to leave for the day."
  • "I can't recommend proceeding any further, the security level's just too high."
  • "If you want to keep going, please be more careful!"
  • "I don't mind dangerous situations but even I don't approve of this..."
  • "I'm getting this feeling... It's too dangerous here, we should turn back!"
  • "You've provoked the enemy too much, we're completely surrounded!"
  • "You're still not turning back despite how bad it's gotten here?! You're either very brave or very stupid."
  • "You are a Phantom Thief, yes? Then you should be able to tell when it's time to exit the scene!"
  • "Are you so dull that you can't even tell how dangerous this is right now?!"
  • "The cognitive effects are weakening... there may be a safe room nearby."
  • "I'm sensing... A safe room potentially nearby.. let's look for it!"
  • "Looks like there's a safe room around here... The cognitive effects are weakening."
  • "There seems to be a safe room near us, let's find it and take a break."
  • "I would wager... there's a safe room somewhere nearby."
  • "Would you care to stop by the safe room? A quick breather can do wonders at times."
  • "We're near a safe room, why don't we take a brief rest?"
  • "We just passed a safe room, wouldn't you like to rest for a bit?"
  • "Thinking of stopping by the safe room? It's entirely up to you."
  • "Luckily the cognitive effects are weak in there, that's why we can rest there, if we so choose."
  • "We're close to our destination."
  • "We will reach our destination soon."
  • "We're not far from our destination."
  • "We're almost at our destination. Let's be extra cautious from here on out."
  • "We will be arriving at our destination shortly."
  • "This feeling... We're getting close to the Treasure."
  • "I believe the Treasure is nearby, let's hurry."
  • "We're getting close to the Treasure, let's finish this."
  • "I'm getting strong readings from the Treasure... we must be reaching our destination."
  • "The reading I'm getting from the Treasure is stronger... let's keep following this route."
  • "There's a great deal of Shadows here, proceed with caution."
  • "I'm sensing numerous Shadows in this area. I'll leave the tactics for dealing with them to you."
  • "There are an awful lot of Shadows around... let's exercise caution here"
  • "This place is infested with Shadows... not much we can do about it, though."
  • "Oh dear... This place is crawling with Shadows."
  • "I'm not sensing many Shadows here... We should be able to move along quite easily."
  • "I'm barely getting any readings here... seems there aren't many Shadows around."
  • "Looks like there's a shortage of Shadows here, let's go while we have the advantage."
  • "I don't have an explanation for it... but there seems to be very few Shadows around."
  • "Looks like there aren't many of those irritating Shadows here... that should make our investigation easier."
  • "Are you going to ignore that treasure chest?"
  • "Do you plan on doing anything with that unopened treasure chest?"
  • "I know treasure chests aren't our priority here, but aren't you the least bit curious what's inside it?"
  • "If we have the time, it'd be awfully nice to get ahold of whatever's in that treasure chest."
  • "There's a treasure chest we haven't opened yet, care to inspect it?"
  • "Look out... There may be a trap nearby."
  • "There's a trap somewhere around here... be careful!"
  • "I'm sensing something unusual... there could be a trap nearby."
  • "Looks like there's a trap here... let's avoid it while we progress."
  • "Is that a trap over there? Let's be sure not to get too close..."
  • "Hmm... There may be some kind of gimmick hidden here..."
  • "I wonder... do you think that could be the key to progressing further?"
  • "Say... doesn't something feel off? There could very well be more than meets the eye here..."
  • "You can't fool my eyes... I know something's been hidden nearby."
  • "This room... there simply has to be something here, let's investigate."
  • "Be careful! There's a security camera!"
  • "There's a security camera, make sure we're not spotted!"
  • "Infrared lasers. Let's find another way past here so we don't trip them."
  • "We can get past these infrared lasers if we find the switch that deactivates them."
  • "A security system's been installed here, don't let your guard down."
  • "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're lost..."
  • "It's always a good idea to consult the map."
  • "Do you know where we're headed?"
  • "Do you know where we are?"
  • "Whether a detective or a Phantom Thief, confidence in the proper route is vital to success."
  • "Leave it to me."
  • "I'll give it a shot."
  • "You can count on me."
  • "This shouldn't be a problem."
  • "Let me concentrate on this for a moment..."
  • "How's that?"
  • "And... done."
  • "Nothing beyond my capabilities."
  • "There it is."
  • "That was easy."
  • "So these are Phantom Thief tools..."
  • "Which tool do you plan on using?"
  • "Those look rather interesting."
  • "You're going to use a tool?"
  • "Be sure to use the right tool for the job."

Boss Battle 1

  • "I won't let you stop me."
  • "Kill them... Persona!"
  • "Take them down... Robin Hood!" (Using Megaton Raid)
  • "Perrrsonaaa!" (Using Charge)
  • "Damn you..." (Taking damage)
  • "Whoa!" (Dodges attack)
  • "Serves you right!" (Protagonist dies)
  • "" (Kills a party member with Megidolaon)
  • "Let's do this." (Randomly at the start of someone's turn)
  • "You'll pay for that!" (Randomly at the start of someone's turn)
  • "I...!" (Randomly at the start of someone's turn)
  • "What!?" (When knocked down, unused)
  • "How dare you!" (Recovering from down, unused)
  • "H-Help me... I don't want to disappear..."' (Hold Up initiated; not viewable under normal circumstances)
  • "You're merciless, aren't you?"' (When negotiated upon, not viewable under normal circumstances)

Boss Battle 2

  • "You are the trash of society. I will kill you! Destroy you! Crush you...! Teammates are nothing but trash!"
  • "You're just... pieces of shit... who lick each other's wounds...! Anything goes... if you say you're teammates...!" (At medium health)
  • "Why are you... looking at me like that...!? I've... I've succeeded until now... all by myself...! I don't need... teammates... I don't..." (At low health)
  • "Persona!" (Unused)
  • "Loki!" (Unused)
  • "Descend, Loki!"
  • "I'm not letting you off!"
  • "Take them down Loki!" (Using Deathbound)
  • "Eat this!" (Using Brave Blade)
  • "Die." (Using Eigaon)
  • "Incinerate!" (Using Maragion)
  • "Go to Hell!" (Using Megidolaon)
  • "Freeze, you fools!" (Using an Ice skill, unused)[1]
  • "Tremble in fear!" (Using Bloodbath, unused)[1]
  • "What!?" (Akechi's Skill misses)
  • "Grr..." (Akechi's Skill misses)
  • "The hell was that?" (Taking damage)
  • "Too slow!" (Dodges attack)
  • "Bastard!" (Knocked down - Unused)
  • "I’ll kill you." (Getting up from knockdown - Unused)
  • "Stay down." (Downs an enemy/Attacking Downed enemy)
  • "You’ll die." (Reduces a party member to low health)
  • "Serves you right." (Kills a party member)
  • "Uaaaaaggggghh!" (Defeated)
  • "Hahahaha... AHHAHAHAHA!!" (Protagonist dies)
  • "You pieces of shit!" (Randomly at the start of someone's turn)
  • "Whaaat?!" (Randomly at the start of someone's turn)
  • "I... will KILL you!" (Randomly at the start of someone's turn)
  • "You piss me off!" (Unused)
  • "H-Help me...I don't want to disappear..."' (Hold Up initiated; not viewable under normal circumstances)
  • "You're merciless, aren't you?"' (When negotiated upon, not viewable under normal circumstances)

Battle quotes are not officially translated. Translations are provided with the original text for comparison.

  • "Roger that, Oracle." (了解したよナビ) (Battle start, responding to Oracle)
  • "Everyone, be cautious!" (みんな、警戒よ!) (Battle start, Enemy Advantage)
  • "I'll show you the extent of my power!" (僕の力を見せするよ!) (Select skill)
  • "Let's go about this calmly." (冷静に行こう) (Select skill)
  • "I can attack its weakness." (僕なら弱点を付けるよ) (Select skill, with Enemy's weakness)
  • "This is great! This is really great!" (いいね!実にいいよ!!) (Select skill, with Boost)
  • "This is what I call an opportunity!" (これはチャンスってことだね!) (Select skill, with Boost)
  • "I'll aim for its nine lives." (九生狙いで) (Select skill, choosing Enemy with weakness)
  • "Whoops..." (おっと) (Select skill, cancel)
  • "Maybe not this..." (違うかな) (Select skill, cancel)
  • "Let's aim for its weakness no matter what." (どうやら弱点を狙えそうだね) (Turn starts, Enemy weakness identified)
  • "(chuckles) I'm overflowing with energy!" (ふふ、力が漲ってくるね!) (Turn starts, with Boost, responding to Oracle)
  • "Joker, I have high hopes for you." (ジョーカー 期待してるよ) (Turn starts, P5 hero has Boost)
  • "Robin Hood!" (Skill, Robin Hood)
  • "Kill them with a shot! Robin Hood!" (射殺せ!ロビンフッド!) (Skill, Robin Hood)
  • "Persona!" (Skill, Sub-Persona)
  • "Manifest! Persona!" (顕現せ!ペルソナ!) (Skill, Sub-Persona)
  • "Witness this!" (思い知れ!) (Skill, Sub-Persona)
  • "Just as I predicted." (読み通りかな) (Bind/Status effect inflicted)
  • "What?" (なんだと?) (Miss)
  • "I missed?" (外した?) (Miss)
  • "Like you'd hit me!" (当たるか) (Enemy misses)
  • "I saw that coming!" (見え見えだ) (Enemy misses)
  • "How dare you..." (よくも…) (Gets hit)
  • "Impossible!" (バカな…!) (Gets hit)
  • "Why you...!" (…貴様!!) (Gets hit)
  • "I give my regards." (礼を言うよ) (Item, from allies)
  • "This... might be a bit bad..." (ちょっと…マズイかな…) (Low HP)
  • "I can't, to this extent..." (僕、この程度では…) (0 HP)
  • "I'm..." (この僕が…) (0 HP)
  • "I've been waiting for this!" (この瞬間を待っていたよ!) (Punisher, prompt)
  • "The enemy has fallen!" (敵は総崩れだね!) (Punisher, prompt)
  • "Now, let's go all-out!" (さぁ、意気に行こう!) (Punisher, accept)
  • "Time to strike back! Let's do it!" (応射つだ!やろう!) (Punisher, accept)
  • "Oh? It's surprisingly tough." (おや?以外とタフだね) (Punisher, no enemies defeated)
  • "Just as expected, Joker!" (さすがはジョーカーだ!) (P5 hero gets Boost)
  • "Good one, Skull!" (Skull gets Boost)
  • "Good one, Panther!" (いいぞパンサー!) (Panther gets Boost)
  • "Nice attack!" (いい攻撃だね!) (Non-Phantom Thief member gets Boost)
  • "You should become the stars!" (星になるといい) (Battle end, Crow finishes)
  • "(chuckles) I won't let you get away." (ふふ、逃がさないよ) (Battle end, Crow finishes)
  • "They were pretty much small fries." (ほとんど雑魚だね) (Result, low-leveled Shadow)
  • "Seems like it dropped something." (何か落ちたんじゃない) (Result, Treasure)
  • "Just a little more until I level up." (レベルアップってはもう少しだね) (Result, close to leveling up)
  • "Truthfully, I'm going to level up soon." (実はそろそろレベルアップあまりそうだな) (Result, close to leveling up)
  • "I can feel my Persona growing!" (ペルソナの成長を感じる!) (Result, level up, Robin Hood)
  • "I feel like I'm getting close to great power." (これ、寄りそうで好感の力よ) (Result, level up, Sub-Persona)
  • "Everyone, look! This is my new attack!" (みんな見てて、僕の新わざだ!) (Result, level up, new skill)

