Megami Tensei Wiki

Fairies (妖精, Yōsei), are a common race in the Shin Megami Tensei series, though they are not particularly powerful. Most are magic-oriented and are generally the first kind of demons encountered in the game. In the real world, fairies are mischief-loving creatures. They do not have a particular preference towards good or evil and are chiefly concerned with doing as they please and having fun.


List of Demons

Shin Megami Tensei

Demon Level
Pixie 2
Goblin 6
Jack Frost 8
Jack O' Lantern 9
Dryad 12
Gandharva 15
Rusalka 18
Kelpie 23
Elf 26
Hobgoblin 36
Senri 40
Tam Lin 55
Troll 56
Cu Chulainn 59
Senko 61
Oberon 64

Shin Megami Tensei II

Demon Level
High Pixie 7
Jack Frost 12
Jack O' Lantern 13
Dark Elf 18
Banshee 25
Nadja 30
Cu Chulainn 40
Oberon 45
Titania 48

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

Demon Level
Pixie 2
Jack Frost 7
High Pixie 10
Pyro Jack 19
Kelpie 26
Troll 38
Setanta 43
Oberon 46
Titania 57

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

Demon Level
Pixie 2
Kijimunaa 8
Jack Frost 14
Pyro Jack 19
Silky 24
Lorelei 33
Vivian 45

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

Demon Level
Pixie 2
Goblin 7
Jack Frost 12
Pyro Jack 16
High Pixie 19
Silky 23
Lorelei 31
Spriggan 34
Vivian 40
Oberon 50
Titania 60
Demonee-Ho 75