Dvergar, also known as Norse Dwarves, are highly significant entities in Norse mythology, who associate with rocks, the earth, deathliness, luck, technology, craft, metal work, wisdom, and greed. They are identified with Svartálfar ('black elves'), and Dokkálfar ('dark elves'), due to their apparently interchangeable use in early texts such as the Eddas. While Dvergar relates etymologically to "dwarves", the Norse concept of Dvergar is often unlike the concept of "dwarves" in other cultures. For instance, Norse dwarves may originally have been envisaged as being of human size. They are not described as small before the 13th century, when the later legendary sagas portrayed them as such, often as a humorous element.
In later Scandinavian folklore, other kinds of nature spirits, like the Troll and the Nisse, seem to take over many of the functions of the Dvergar.
In the Dvergatal section, the Völuspá divides the dwarves into what may be three tribes, lead firstly by Mótsognir their first ruler, secondly by Durinn, and finally by Dvalinn. Hávamál mentions Dvalinn brought the rune writing to the Dvergar.
"A small spirit of Norse lore. The original spelling is Dvergar. They live below the ground and are skilled craftsmen, proficient in the arts of sculpture, architecture, and blacksmithing. Their weaponsmithing skills were so legendary, they were even sought after by the gods."
—Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 3DS Compendium
DemiKids Light & Dark[]
"Dark and dreary demon with surprisingly strong hands that can snap thick logs."
Duergar's design in Shin Megami Tensei II includes a logo found in his helmet and shoulder armor that bears a striking resemblance to the logo of the car brand Mercedes-Benz.