Down (ダウン, Daun)? is a special condition in the series.
Combatants inflicted with Down are knocked on the ground. In that state, they are unable to evade and the damage they take is increased (50% in P3/4, 25% in P5[1]). The Down state can overlap with another status effect. In Persona 3 Portable, Persona 3 Reload and Persona 4, Downed combatants are vulnerable to being inflicted with Dizzy should they be struck with an attack that would otherwise have Downed them. The skills Cruel Attack, Vile Assault, and Rebellion Blade deal increased damage to downed enemies, which stacks with the damage increase that a combatant suffers from being Downed.
Combatants that successfully Down will receive One More turn. For the player party, if all enemies are on the floor, normally they will have the opportunity to perform an All-out Attack. In Persona 5, this initiates to a Hold Up, which also opens opportunity to negotiating with the enemy.
In Persona 5, a Downed party member may be held hostage by enemy Shadows, forcing the protagonist to enter a negotiation to rescue them. While being Downed, they cannot receive a Baton Pass or be switched out. In Reload, they cannot receive a Shift.
Causes and Prevention[]
This topic is in need of research for the following reasons: * Does Guarding protect against Critical hits in P3/4? * Do insta-kills Down Weak enemies in P3 and 4? This can be discussed on the article's talk page. |
Generally, Down is inflicted through exploiting the combatants's weakness, through critical hits, as well as during out-of-order Follow Ups. In Persona 3 and Persona 4, combatants that miss trying to perform a melee attack have a chance to Stumble (unless they use ranged weapons like guns and bows, as with Yukari Takeba, Aigis, and Naoto Shirogane). Stumble is similar to Down: it does not reward anyone with a One More but can initiate an All-out Attack. In Persona 3 Reload, Stumble is no longer possible. In Persona 5, successfully insta-killing an enemy weak to the respective element counts as a Down.
In Persona 3, the Fusion Spell Jack Brothers has the chance to Down all enemies. In Persona 4 Golden, the skills The Man's Way and Kamui Miracle also have this effect.
In Persona 5, Shinya Oda's Confidant ability, Down Shot, allows the protagonist to down an enemy using his ammo. Futaba Sakura's Position Hack has a chance to Down all enemies and initiate an irregular Hold Up at the start of the battle. In Persona 5 Royal, Technical attacks have a 50% chance of Downing their target. If the party increases their Technical rank, the odds will be increased in their favor: 67% if they are at rank 3, and 100% if it is rank 4. The skill Guiding Tendril has a very high chance to be Critical and downs all enemies in battle, but only works when the party has ambushed the enemy. Thieves Guild can also Down an enemy Shadow trying to escape.
Guarding protects the combatants from being Downed from having their weakness exploited. In Persona 5, it protects the combatants from being Downed in general. In Royal, when Sumire Yoshizawa is in the party, her Persona's traits "Veil of Midnight"/"Veil of Sunrise" may prevent an ally from being Downed when they are hit by an attack that would have knocked them down. In Reload, Aigis in Orgia Mode cannot be knocked down. Certain bosses in the game are also immune to Down.
In Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES, recovering from Down uses up a turn, but in other games, combatants are able to act instantly on recovery. In Persona 5, a Downed combatants needs to have freedom of action to recover and will remain Downed if afflicted with an appropriate ailment (e.g. Shock or Freeze).
In Persona 3 and Persona 4, the skill Re Patra can be used to help an ally recover from being knocked down. Party members with Recover ability from Social Link ranking can also help a Downed ally recover. In Persona 5 Royal, only Ultimate Support has this capability.
Shadows that survive an All-out Attack automatically recover from Down. The same outcome also happens after a breakdown in negotiation when the negotiated Shadow gets angered.
See also[]
- Status Changes in Persona 3
- Status Changes in Persona 4
- Status Changes in Persona 5
- Status Changes in Persona 5 Strikers
- ↑ 攻撃ダメージ量の変化, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*