Dolph is recurring character of the Fire Emblem series, he is a Knight of the nation of Archanea serving in Midia's unit along with Macellan, a knight of a nearly identical appearance. Dolph's unit was captured during the fall of the Palace, but they were rescued by Marth, joining the fight against Medeus. After the war, Dolph retires when Hardin fell into madness. He later joined a faction of nightwatchmen headed by Macellan.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]
Dolph appears as an enemy along with Gordin, Linde, and Macellan during one of Tiki's Mirage Hunt. He has 180 attack and 62 armor. Dolph can also appear as an opponent in the Harajuku's legendary arena on New Game Plus with 188 attack and 62 armor.