Daring Gigas appears as a red Shadow in the upper half of the Harabah Block within Tartarus, from floors 191 to 213. They will appear in groups of two. They will be the subject of one of Elizabeth's Requests starting on December 4th, and will drop Rainbow Hairs while the quest is active. Returning to Elizabeth with 3 Rainbow Hairs will complete the request. Later they reappear as normal shadows in Adamah Block.
In Golden, Daring Gigas appears in Baths 2-4 and 6-8 inside the Steamy Bathhouse. It will also appear as a sub-boss in Bath 7 that must be fought in order to continue. The regular version is now weak to Light and Dark instead of Wind. When defeated, it may also drop Fluorite for trade at Shiroku Pub.
The boss version of Daring Gigas sheds its weakness to Wind and has increased stats, but follows a pattern of Power Charge, Rebellion, Tarukaja and Single Shot unconditionally for the entire battle. The time in which it buffs itself can be taken to heal and deal damage. Once it has used Tarukaja, it's advisable to guard before the next attack; if sufficiently leveled, the party member that takes the hit may survive. The party can capitalize this pattern to slowly whittle away its HP. Eventually, the Shadow will run out of SP and will waste turns attempting to re-buff itself in the same order as usual. As soon as it runs out of SP, Yosuke can cast Dekaja to remove any buffs and the party can attack normally until it is defeated.
Persona 4 Golden[]
The Daring Gigas encountered on the seventh floor has no weaknesses and nullifies Light and Dark attacks. It will follow a set pattern throughout the battle of Power Charge, Rebellion, Tarukaja and Single Shot. When it runs out of SP, it will waste turns following its pattern but will still use Single Shot when its turn comes up.