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Goro AkechiGalleryQuotesConfidantParty
"I can't believe you evaded the police's network until today… The only logical explanation is that someone in the police has ties to the Phantom Thieves… Explain yourself!"
Sae Niijima interrogating the protagonist about Goro Akechi.
Persona 5 Confidant Guides Icon (Justice) - Goro Akechi

This article covers information about the Justice Confidant, Goro Akechi, including events and skills featured in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal.

The protagonist automatically starts Akechi's Confidant on June 10th, during a social studies trip to a TV station. In Persona 5, the Confidant is automatically ranked during certain story events. As such, he gains no points regardless of dialogue chosen.

In Persona 5 Royal, Akechi's Confidant is now manual. However, in a similar vein to Tohru Adachi's Social Link, the Confidant freezes at Rank 8 and becomes story-based going forward, meaning Ranks 9 and 10 are largely unchanged. He can be found in Kichijoji outside the Darts and Billiards club Penguin Sniper at night, even on rainy days. Maxing out his Confidant will also make it possible to see the altered true ending cutscene. The final day for completing Rank 8 of Akechi's Confidant is November 17th.

Completing Akechi's Confidant enables the fusion of Metatron. Akechi does not have a farewell gift for the protagonist on 3/19.


Rank Ability Description
6 Baton Pass Allows you to pass your turn over to other Baton Pass users after a 1 More.
Follow Up Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Joker's attack does not down the enemy.
Detective Talk Chance to step in after Shadow negotiation fails, allowing a retry.
Harisen Recovery Chance to cure status ailments inflicted upon party members.

Rank Ability Description
- Follow Up* Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Joker's attack does not down the enemy.
- Smooth Talk* If negotiation with a god-like Shadow fails, you can try again.
2 Sleuthing Instinct Chance to reveal one enemy affinity at the start of battle.
4 Sleuthing Mastery Chance to reveal all of one enemy's affinities at the start of battle.
7 Harisen Recovery Chance to cure status ailments inflicted upon party members.
MAX Protect* Chance to shield Joker from an otherwise fatal attack.
Endure* Chance to withstand an otherwise fatal attack with 1 HP remaining.


Character Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Rain
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day/Night

Dialogue Options[]

Rank 1
Rank 1
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"I feel like our discussions could prove quite fruitful. Would you mind talking with me again?"
Fine by me. 0 0
If the opportunity arises. 0 0
Rank 2
  • Story event on July 27th.
Rank 2
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Regarding this whole Medjed commotion... If you were one of the Phantom Thieves, what would you do?"
Retaliate. 0 0
Ignore them. 0 0
I don't care. 0 0
"I didn't say I was being suspicious of you."
Good to hear. 0 0
You're the suspicious one. 0 0
Ryuji's a Phantom Thief. 0 0
Rank 3
  • Story event on August 28th.
Rank 3
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"It seems I'm unwelcome no matter where I go."
It's not just here? 0 0
That's surprising. 0 0
...... 0 0
"I would never have thought you'd be boarding at this café... We seem to share some kind of bond."
I agree. 0 0
I have no words for you. 0 0
It's just a coincidence. 0 0
Rank 4
  • Story event on October 24th.
Rank 4
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Welcome home."
Honey, I'm home. 0 0
Why're you here? 0 0
...... 0 0
Sojiro: "What're you standing there staring off into space for? You're creeping me out."
It's nothing. 0 0
Don't worry about it. 0 0
You're standing too. 0 0
"'Criminals,' hm...? Well, that must be how he sees it. However, that is ignorant of their true nature."
Don't like politicians? 0 0
True nature? 0 0
You on the Thieves' side? 0 0
"Perhaps my goals are not so different from theirs..."
But they are innocent. 0 0
Are you a Phanboy? 0 0
Rank 5
  • Story event on October 26th.
Rank 5
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Please, let's not feign ignorance. All of you can go to that other world too, yes?"
What're you talking about? 0 0
Us too...? 0 0
Which world? 0 0
"I can say so with conviction because I have the same power as you."
It's not us. 0 0
That's right. 0 0
...... 0 0
Yusuke: "What should we do about Akechi-san's proposal...?"
Let me think it over. 0 0
You're demanding a lot. 0 0
Is that the only way? 0 0
Rank 6
Rank 7
Rank 7
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"To think that I, a detective, would act alongside the Phantom Thieves..."
Want to continue that? 0 0
Back to your real work now. 0 0
Rank 8
  • Rank 8 is a story event on November 20th; no dialogue options.
Rank 9
Rank 9
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Under different circumstances, we could have been great rivals... or perhaps even friends."
It's not too late. 0 0
Don't be ridiculous. 0 0
We're already rivals. 0 0
Rank 10
Rank 10
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Change Shido's heart... in my stead... End his crimes... Please...!"
I promise. 0 0
Leave it to me. 0 0

Rank 1
Rank 1
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"That's why I believe, if a truly powerful opponent were to corner them, they would flee without a second thought."
They wouldn't run. 0 0
They'd fight to the end. 0 0
"If it's all right with you, would you continue sharing your thoughts with me?"
That's fine by me. 0 0
I'd love to. 0 0
Rank 2
Rank 2
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"I found myself with some free time, so I was hoping to find someone to play against."
You always seem so busy. +2 +1
Do you have no friends? 0 0
"Oh, my apologies. A break ace."
Is that your win? 0 0
Not bad. 0 0
"Not bad. Everything's riding on your next shot, though. How will you handle this?"
Shoot very carefully. +2 +1
I'll go for a power shot. +2 +1
"Is something the matter?"
You used your right hand. 0 0
...Aren't you left-handed? 0 0
"I'm rather dextrous with my right hand. I can even use chopsticks with it. Frankly, I didn't expect you to see through it."
Maybe I'll be a detective. +2 +1
No holding back next time. +2 +1
I see a lot of things. +3 +2
"I think you'd be an interesting influence on me. If you're so inclined, we could go out again sometime."
Sure. 0 0
I'll think about it. 0 0
As rivals? +2 +1
Rank 3
  • To initiate Akechi's Rank 3 Confidant, the protagonist must have rank three Knowledge (Scholarly) and Charm (Suave).
Rank 3
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"The cake here's fairly popular. I've been wanting to try it myself."
Got a sweet tooth, huh? 0 0
Come here often? 0 0
"Uh-oh. Looks like I've been spotted."
Should've figured. +3 +2
Your life must be so hard. +2 +1
I can shoo them away... 0 0
"We should go."
You've done nothing wrong. 0 0
Why the rush? 0 0
"A shame I don't have glasses like you. Maybe I would have been able to get out of this situation."
How about we find out? 0 0
Come here a sec. 0 0
"I suppose I'd better learn to watch what I say around you."
You looked great. 0 0
It was a necessary evil. 0 0
I should've taken a picture... 0 0
"I saw firsthand what happens when I'm too careless with my words around you."
That was careless, huh? 0 0
Wasn't it fun? +2 +1
I can always dress you up again. 0 0
Rank 4
  • Reaching Rank 4 unlocks the jazz club in Kichijoji.
Rank 4
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"It's nice to take some time off when we can, don't you think?"
What kind of place is this? 0 0
This looks shady... 0 0
"It's just a jazz club. You get to hear some great performers here."
Do they have coffee? +2 +1
But I'm underage. 0 0
Now this is my kind of club. +3 +2
"Well then, why don't we get some drinks?"
Any recommendations? +3 +2
Anything's fine by me. +2 +1
An ice-cold beer for me. 0 0
"Whew... How relaxing. I really do like coming here."
It's a great place. +2 +1
I feel a bit nervous. 0 0
"I guess you could call it my go-to place. Do you have anywhere like that?"
A run-down café. 0 0
A shop with great coffee. 0 0
I live there, actually. 0 0
"That reminds me, do you cook?"
Pretty frequently. +3 +2
I can use a microwave... +3 +2
All I need is curry. +2 +1
"There's something about that strange, erratic synchronicity… It's a euphoria like when I manage to solve a case."
What are you talking about? 0 0
I kinda get it. +2 +1
You really are having fun. 0 0
Rank 5
Rank 5
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Do you normally play games like these?"
All the time. 0 0
I'm not great at them. 0 0
Have you played any? 0 0
"Phew! My fingers are going to be sore tomorrow. What a realistic game."
Are you used to gunplay? +2 +1
You took that seriously, huh. 0 0
"All this reminded me of running around the house with it, playing hero..."
You wanted to be a hero? +3 +2
Very interesting. +2 +1
Hard to imagine. 0 0
"So? Which of those two fits more with your conception of a hero?"
Sticking to your justice. 0 0
Doing what people want. 0 0
Neither, really. 0 0
"Hopefully I didn't come off as too much of a novice. I wish I'd played better."
You did fine. +2 +1
You've still got a long way to go. +2 +1
You were getting cocky. +2 +1
Rank 6
  • Rank 6 is unavailable until September 3rd. Akechi is in Leblanc rather than Kichijoji.
Rank 6
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Ahh, this feels wonderful... It's been a while."
So relaxing... +2 +1
Seeing you here is weird. 0 0
A while, huh? +3 +2
"My mother worked at a nightclub. Whenever she had to bring a man home, she'd send me off to the local bathhouse."
That was horrible of her. 0 0
...You've been through a lot. +2 +1
"Actually, are you all right? I know the hot water can make people dizzy..."
This is nothing. +3 +2
I'll stay until you're ready. +3 +2
Are YOU okay? +2 +1
"Oof... I think I feel a little lightheaded."
Same. +3 +2
I'm just fine. 0 0
Guess I win. +2 +1
"I've never told anyone else about my family situation, either. I wonder why I told you? Curious indeed."
Because we get along. +2 +1
Because we're similar. +2 +1
"We're both victims of the adults who unfairly impacted our lives."
I think you're right. +3 +2
I don't know about that. 0 0
Can I put my clothes on? +2 +1
"If they saw how I was acting today, perhaps they'd say I wasn't acting like the Detective Prince."
True. 0 0
They'd probably love it. 0 0
My bad, I guess. +2 +1
Rank 7
  • Rank 7 is unavailable until November 2nd, and the protagonist must have rank four Knowledge (Encyclopedic).
Rank 7
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"You can't simply strike the ball you're aiming for. You have to be indirect, but precise, to land it in the pocket..."
Yeah, it's convoluted... 0 0
That's why it's so fun. +3 +2
"You eliminate your target without ever directly connecting yourself to it. I don't suppose that rings any bells?"
The psychotic breakdowns. 0 0
What're you getting at? 0 0
"Even then... do you still intend to play this game?"
I've made up my mind. 0 0
I won't miss my shot. 0 0
"Even if it was with my self-imposed handicap, I'm impressed that you beat me. You've become quite skilled."
It's thanks to you. 0 0
I couldn't let myself lose. +3 +2
"Yet I'm doing so as a detective, and you're acting as a phantom thief. Our stances couldn't be more different."
But we're teammates now. 0 0
You want to join us? 0 0
"How about it?"
I'll think about it.[1] 0 0
I'm not doing that. 0 0
You're my rival. 0 0
"I have to ask—why do you get so competitive against me?"
Do I? 0 0
I don't know. 0 0
We're rivals, aren't we? +2 +1
Rank 8
  • If the protagonist loses against Akechi, the Confidant will not progress. The player must then challenge Akechi to a rematch and win in order to rank up the Confidant.
Rank 8
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Well, this place should do nicely..."
What'd you want to discuss? 0 0
Why are we in Mementos? 0 0
"Remember what I told you? If you ever won against me using my right hand, I'd take you on with everything I've got."
I thought you meant in pool. 0 0
You want to fight? 0 0
But why, though? 0 0
"Thus, I've built up this urge to duel you without holding anything back."
All right. 0 0
Let's do this. 0 0
"You've caught up to me on this front already, too..."
Are you satisfied? 0 0
Was that all you've got? 0 0
Do you want to keep going? 0 0
"In all honesty, it's to the point that I'd be relying on you in a pinch."
I'd say the same for you. 0 0
The feeling's mutual. 0 0
"By the way, about that duel—if we had fought to the end, do you see yourself winning?"
I definitely wouldn't lose. +3 +2
I don't know. 0 0
Probably. 0 0
"...You're the one person I refuse to lose to."
Same here. +1 +1
Really hate losing, don't you? +3 +2
"Should the opponent accept the glove, the duel is also accepted."
I accept. 0 0
Let me think about it. 0 0
Rank 9
  • Ranks 9 and 10 are automatically triggered during Shido's Palace if Rank 8 is complete.
Rank 10
Rank 10
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Change Shido's heart... in my stead... End his crimes... Please!"
You better deliver your promise. 0 0
I'll hold on to your glove. 0 0

To gain Akechi's ultimate Persona, at least one of the following two options must be chosen:

  • During Rank 7, choose "You're my rival."
  • During Rank 8, win against him in battle then choose "I accept."

If the criteria above has been met, the protagonist will be able to confirm their choice:

  • On the night of the day you secure the Treasure route to Shido's Palace, choose "I want to keep our promise."
  • On the path to the true ending, Akechi will meet with the protagonist on the evening of 2/2. Choose "We're stopping Maruki." This will then cause Akechi's Persona to transform into Hereward.

The subsequent True Ending on the 20th of March will also be altered as long as the protagonist maxed Akechi's Confidant, regardless if his third awakening occurred.

For the events that occur should the protagonist not fulfill Akechi's promise, see here.

February 2nd
Story event in February 2
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Don't tell me you think dangling my life before us is going to have any impact on our decision."
You figured that out? 0 0
So you knew... 0 0
Maruki: "I'll be going now."
This is for you. 0 0
You forgot something. 0 0
"I refuse to accept a reality concocted by someone else, stuck under their control for the rest of my days."
Are you sure? 0 0
But then, you'll... 0 0
...... 0 0
"Or, are you really so spineless that you'd fold over some bullshit, trivial threat on my life?"
This isn't "trivial"! 0 0
Don't oversimplify this. 0 0
I won't fold. 0 0
"I won't wait a moment longer. Answer me."
We're stopping Maruki. True Ending
We're taking the offer. Bad Ending*
* "Are you serious?"
I misspoke. True Ending
I am serious. Bad Ending


Hangout (Shinagawa)
  • Only available on July 29th; Akechi will call the protagonist the night before. Ohya will be present.
Hangout (Shinagawa)
Response Points (W) Points (W/O)
"Sorry for dragging you along."
It's a nice place. +3 +3
Why me? +2 +2
Could bring a girl here... 0 0
Ohya: "W-Wait, what!?"
Keep it quiet, please... 0 0
Why are you here? 0 0
Ohya: "And unlike you, he's pretty hardline anti-Phantom-Thieves, right? Mind if I ask a couple questions about you two?"
If you like. +3 (Devil) +3 (Devil)
That's kind of personal. 0 0
What's it worth to you? +2 (Devil) +2 (Devil)
"And if I heard right, you two have some sort of professional agreement?"
What of it? +2 +2
It's nothing bad. +2 +2
How about these fish, huh? 0 0


  • In Persona 5 Royal, ranks 2 to 8 of Akechi's old Confidant scenes from Persona 5 are no longer part of his new Confidant path and are instead regular cutscenes.
  • In Persona 5 Royal, the "I am thou" incantation that Lavenza usually speaks when a Confidant is unlocked is instead spoken by Sumire Yoshizawa when the Justice confidant is unlocked.
  • During the story event on February 2nd, one of the protagonist's dialogue options when Akechi calls his life trivial was "This isn't small potatoes." With a small post-release update, the line was changed to "This isn't trivial."


  1. コープ正義, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*

Igor - Morgana - Makoto Niijima - Haru Okumura - Yusuke Kitagawa - Sojiro Sakura - Ann Takamaki - Ryuji Sakamoto - Goro Akechi - Futaba Sakura - Chihaya Mifune - Caroline and Justine - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Sadayo Kawakami - Ichiko Ohya - Shinya Oda - Hifumi Togo - Yuuki Mishima - Toranosuke Yoshida - Sae Niijima - Sumire YoshizawaRoyal - Takuto MarukiRoyal