Chagrin, also known as Cagrino, is a small yellow hedgehog of Gypsy lore. Horses were said to be the main victims of the Chagrin, but their favorite are the mares that had recently given birth. They would urinate on their victims, causing them emotional and physical distress, which would also result in boils and sores. Gypsies would use spells and incantations to ward off Chagrins.
"An evil spirit of Romani folklore. It is also called Chagrino and Harginn. It is thought to be a combination of several religions and cultures of nations, absorbed as the Romani moved from place to place. The Chagrin appears as a yellow hedgehog, and seeing it is a sign of an upcoming disaster."
Chagrin becomes the focus of the Challenge Quest "Chagrin Slaying Competition" when it becomes unlocked. Flynn must kill 5 Chagrin demons in order to complete the quest.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
Chagrin appears in the initial southern areas of the Fairy Forest. It can teach the Zio, Toxic Sting, Stun Needle and Sukukaja skills during Demon Whisper.
Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
"An evil spirit of Romani folklore. It also called Chagrino or Harginn. It is thought to be a combination of several religions and cultures of nations, absorbed as the Romani moved from place to place. The Chagrin appears as a yellow hedgehog, and seeing it is a sign of an upcoming disaster."
—Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 3DS compendium
Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
"An evil spirit of Gypsy lore, also called Chagrino or Harginn. As the Romani Gypsies roved, the lore of this creature evolved; absorbing traits from other cultures and religions giving it a unique background. The Chargrin appears as a yellow hedgehog and those who chase after it will be cursed."