Celaeno, also known as Kelaino, was a Harpy associated with darkness and her name literally means "dark" or "the vague one". She is the daughter of the sea god Thaumas and Electra, sister of Aello and Ocypete, and is second eldest of the three sisters. She was described as the lover of the west wind, Zephyrus, and with him bore the talking horses of Achilles, Balius and Xanthus.
She has the head of a woman and the body of a bird. The Harpies are ugly and terrible to behold, and emit an evil odor, but Celaeno and her sisters are exceptions: they are blessed with beautiful faces and graceful limbs, and they give off a fragrant aroma.
She is who Aeneas encountered at Strophades. She gave him prophecies of his coming journeys. She was one of three sisters, each of whom represented a different aspect of a great storm. The Harpies live in the sacred Dikti Mountains of Crete. They are considered goddesses of death as well as divine manifestations of the wind.
Celaeno, or one of her sisters, Aello or Ocypete, can be fused with Valkyrie to create Nike.
Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE[]
"The youngest of three sisters ruling the three Harpy Sisters, and the daughter of the sea god Thaumas and Electra. Her name means "darkness" or "black cloud". She has the head of a woman and the body of a bird. The Harpies are ugly and terrible to behold, and emit an evil odor, but Celaeno and her sisters are exceptions: they are blessed with beautiful faces and graceful limbs, and they give off a fragrant aroma. Celaeno was the wife of Zephyrus, god of the west wind, with whom she had three children. The Harpies live in the sacred Dikti Mountains of Crete. They are considered goddesses of death as well as divine manifestations of the wind."
—Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Compendium
Kelaino can be found in the Shibuya Quartz dungeon and in the southern parts of Shibuya. Kelaino reflects charge attacks and she is a melee/mage hybrid. Her stats focus on Hagalaz (strength and magic). Her weaknesses include all gun styles (penetrate, spread, etc.) and force attacks.