Megami Tensei Wiki

Call Allies being casted in Shin Megami Tensei V.

Call Allies (仲間を呼んだ, Nakama o Yonda)? is a special enemy-exclusive skill.


Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]

The skill summons particular allies on the field. Generally, it fills in empty slots in the party's arrangement, and the demons differ depending on the user or the battle:

Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner[]

  • Demi-fiend: Fills up to two empty slots with Cu Chulainn, Girimekhala, Pixie, Arahabaki, Titania, and Parvati in that order.


Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]

Each member of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has a unique variant of Call Allies that call on highly specific demons:

  • Call Angels (死天召喚, Shiten Shōkan)?: White Rider will fill up to two empty slots with two Dominions.
  • Call Soldiers (死兵召喚, Shihei Shōkan)?: Red Rider will fill up to two empty slots with two Powers.
  • Call Souls (死霊召喚, Shirei Shōkan)?: Black Rider will fill up to two empty slots with two Legions.
  • Call Evil (死魔召喚, Shima Shōkan)?: Pale Rider will fill up to two empty slots with two Loas.

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance[]

These two Call Allies variants appear only in the Canon of Vengeance storyline.

  • Primordial Parturition (原初の母, Gensho no Haha)?: Lilith revives a member of the Qadištu as long as it isn't herself at 25% health and will cycle between either resurrecting Naamah, Eisheth, and Agrat if all three are killed or the most recently slain if one is killed. Lilith's Shadow also has this skill.
  • Shadow Summoning (幻影召喚, Gen'ei Shōkan)?: Samael calls a shadow of Naamah, Eisheth, Agrat, and Lilith in that order.

PhysIcon SMTVPhysical Skills
Normal Skills Lunge - Heat Wave - Berserker God - Deathbound - Mortal Jihad - Hades Blast - Catastrophe
Crusher Onslaught - Megaton Press
Hell Spin
Multi-hit Bouncing Claw - Scratch Dance - Damascus Claw - Axel Claw - Nihil Claw - Madness Nails - Rampage - Myriad Slashes
Hellish Slash - Aramasa - Astral Saintstrike - Andalucia
Ailment Attacks Dream Needle - Toxic Sting - Madness Needle - Dark Sword - Blight - Frenzied Chomp - Mist Rush - Headcrush - Terrorblade - Javelin Rain
Fang Breaker - Pierce Armor - Blinding Strike - Somersault - Panta Spane - Pandemonic Crush
Venom Chaser - Dream Fist - Hysterical Slap - Purple Smoke - Pestilence
Critical Gram Slice - Critical Wave - Fatal Sword - Titanomachia - Brave Blade - Karnak
Critical Slash - Mighty Cleave - Figment Slash
Needle Spray - Steel Needle - Dancing Strike
Acrobat Kick - Yabusame Shot - Hassou Tobi - Deadly Fury
Bestial Bite - Heavy Blow - Severing Bite - Akashic Arts - Carnage Fang - Wrath Tempest - Mac an Luin
Other Beatdown - Power Punch
Puncture Punch - Hell Thrust - Gungnir - Gaea Rage
Eat Whole
Magic Skills
FireIcon SMTVFire Skills Agi - Maragi - Agilao - Maragion - Agidyne - Maragidyne - Agibarion - Maragibarion
Fire Breath - Fire Dracostrike - Ragnarok - Trisagion
Mirage Shot - Ghastfire Rain - Hellish Brand - Megido Flame - Raging Hellfire - Hell Burner
IceIcon SMTVIce Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne - Bufubarion - Mabufubarion
Ice Breath - Ice Dracostrike - Glacial Blast - Ice Age
Stormcaller Song - Jack Bufula - Hellish Spurt - King Bufula - Eternal Blizzard - Raging Blizzard - Thalassic Calamity
ElecIcon SMTVElectric Skills Zio - Mazio - Zionga - Mazionga - Ziodyne - Maziodyne - Ziobarion - Maziobarion
Shockbound - Storm Dracostrike - Thunder Reign - Narukami
Souffle D'éclair - Keraunos - Raging Lightning - Ruinous Thunder
ForceIcon SMTVForce Skills Zan - Mazan - Zanma - Mazanma - Zandyne - Mazandyne - Zanbarion - Mazanbarion
Wind Breath - Wind Dracostrike - Floral Gust - Killing Wind
Raging Tempest - Sacrifice of Clay - Hell Exhaust
LightIcon SMTVLight Skills Hama - Mahama - Hamaon - Mahamaon - Hamabarion - Mahamabarion
White Dracostrike - Light's Descent - God's Bow
DarkIcon SMTVDark Skills Mudo - Mamudo - Mudoon - Mamudoon - Mudobarion - Mamudobarion
Black Dracostrike - Die For Me! - Toxic Breath - Walpurgisnacht - Fallen Destroyer - Profaned Land - Death Flies
AlmightyIcon SMTVAlmighty Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Divine Arrowfall
Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Energy Drain - Sanguine Drain - Meditation
Freikugel - Sakanagi - Murakumo
Madness Glint - Fire of Sinai
Silt of Ruin - Violent Rage - Tandava - Soul Divide - Babylon Goblet - Death Lust
AilmentIcon SMTVAilment Skills
Single-target Dormina - Dustoma - Marin Karin - Poisma - Pulinpa - Makajama - Toxic Spray - Evil Melody
Multi-target Lullaby - Fogna - Sexy Dance - Toxic Cloud - Tentarafoo - Makajamaon
Frolic - Stagnant Air - Chaotic Will
Slumber Vortex - Preach
HealIcon SMTVHealing Skills
HP Recovery Dia - Media - Diarama - Mediarama - Diarahan - Mediarahan
Humble Blessing - Diamrita - Miracle Water
Revival Recarm - Samarecarm - Revival Chant
Ailment Recovery Patra - Me Patra
Special Harvest Dance - Golden Apple - Sun's Radiance - Eleusinian Harvest - Matriarch's Love - Light of Order
SupportIcon SMTVSupport Skills
Timer-based Buffs Tarukaja - Matarukaja - Rakukaja - Marakukaja - Sukukaja - Masukukaja - Luster Candy - Red Capote - Cautious Cheer
Taunt - Fierce Roar - Witness Me
Timer-based Debuffs Tarunda - Matarunda - Rakunda - Marakunda - Sukunda - Masukunda - Debilitate
Charging Buffs Charge - Concentrate - Donum Gladi - Donum Magici
Critical Aura - Impaler's Animus - Bowl of Hygieia
Shields Tetrakarn - Makarakarn
Phys Block - Fire Block - Ice Block - Elec Block - Force Block - Light Block - Dark Block
Kannabi Veil
Stat Negation Dekaja - Dekunda
Miscellaneous Estoma - MiscIcon SMTVTrafuri
PassiveIcon SMTVPassive Skills
Affinity Resistance Resist Phys - Resist Fire - Resist Ice - Resist Elec - Resist Force - Resist Light - Resist Dark
Null Phys - Null Fire - Null Ice - Null Elec - Null Force - Null Light - Null Dark
Repel Phys - Repel Fire - Repel Ice - Repel Elec - Repel Force - Repel Light - Repel Dark
Drain Phys - Drain Fire - Drain Ice - Drain Elec - Drain Force - Drain Light - Drain Dark
Hellish Mask - Abyssal Mask
Affinity Strength Phys Pleroma - Fire Pleroma - Ice Pleroma - Elec Pleroma - Force Pleroma - Light Pleroma - Dark Pleroma - Heal Pleroma - Almighty Pleroma
High Phys Pleroma - High Fire Pleroma - High Ice Pleroma - High Elec Pleroma - High Force Pleroma - High Light Pleroma - High Dark Pleroma - High Heal Pleroma - High Almighty Pleroma
Boon Boost - Boon Boost EX
Stat Booster Life Spring - Great Life Spring - Mana Spring - Great Mana Spring - Beast Eye - Dragon Eye - Bloody Glee - Murderous Glee - Poison Adept - Poison Master
Counter Counter - Retaliate - Heavenly Counter
HP/MP Recovery Light Life Aid - Life Aid - Light Mana Aid - Mana Aid
Curse Siphon - Great Curse Siphon - Restore - High Restore
Miscellaneous Inspiring Leader - Safeguard - Critical Zealot - Endure - Enduring Soul
Magatsuhi Skills
- Omagatoki: Critical - Omagatoki: Luck - Omagatoki: Pierce - Omagatoki: Sincerity - Omagatoki: Free - Omagatoki: Hit - Omagatoki: Potential - Omagatoki: Doubler - Omagatoki: Savage - Omagatoki: Charge - Omagatoki: Adversity
Expand: Critical Aura - Expand: Piercing Aura - Impaler's Glory
Freikugel EX - Big Bang - Soul Drain
Twilight Wave - Accursed Poison
Eternal Prayer - Sea of Stars - Waters of Youth
Fairy Banquet - Rasetsu Feast - Dekajaon - Shield of God
Enemy-exclusive skills Frenzy - Impetus - Xeros Beat - Falling Star - Heliopolis Dawn - Inferno of God - Magma Axis - Purgatorium - Hailstorm of God - Moonlight Frost - Dreadful Gleam - Galvanic Slash - Lightning of God - Lightning Pulse - Rising Storm Dragon - Sonic Boom - Tornado of God - Babylon Curse - Morning Star - Evil Gleam - Wild Dance - Cold Dark Matter - Hot Dark Matter - Holy Crucifixion - Contempt of God - Electrify - False Replication - Mesektet's Path - True Replication - Call Allies