Caina is a location in Persona 3 FES. It is the third door in the Abyss of Time. Caina is divided into three areas. The first section of Caina appears identical to the Yabbashah Block of Tartarus. The second section takes on the appearance of the first section of Malebolge. The final section appears the same as the initial area of Cocytus. On the 20th floor, there is a door into Akihiko Sanada's past.
In Inferno, the first cantica of Dante's Divine Comedy, Cocytus is the ninth and lowest circle of Hell and is divided into four descending "rounds," or sections. Caina, also known as Caïna, is the first of these sections, named after Cain, who killed his brother Abel. This is the section meant for the traitors to kindred are here immersed in the ice up to their chins. They can be able to bend their necks, which provides them some protection against the cold winds.