Megami Tensei Wiki
Cadaver's Hollow

The Cadaver's Hollow and all of Gustave's riches

The Cadaver's Hollow (骸の隠れ家, Mukuro no Kakurega)? is a vendor location in Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance. It is run by Gustave.


The Cadaver's Hollow shop can be accessed via leyline founts. The Nahobino accidentally came upon the Cadaver's Hollow and Gustave when the young man, on Aogami's instructions, tapped into the Tamachi leyline fount, the first they came across, in an attempt to verify its healing properties.

The Cadaver's Hollow is the general shop of the setting, where players can buy items and Essences, sell Relics for Macca, and get milestone rewards from finding a certain amount of Gustave's wayward minions, the Miman.

Gustave will add more items for purchase as players progress the story, though his wares do not carry over in New Game Plus runs, with the two Canons in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance having differing flags as to when his new wares are available. The price of Gustave's wares fluctuates depending on how many "Merchant's Hospitality" Miracles the Nahobino has purchased.

In Godborn Mode, a unlockable New Game Plus mode in Vengeance, any extra Glory the player does not want can be sold to Gustave, with 500,000ћ per 1,000 Glory sold. Glory however cannot be bulk sold, so the player has to keep selling 1k Glory in multiple sessions to offload their excess Glory. There is also no "sell everything" option, so if the player has 1,001 Glory, they will be forever left with that 1 Glory, which will happen once players purchased the Moral Transcendence Miracle, as it's worth 999 Glory. To correct this, one needs to collect a certain amount of Miman from the Chiyoda/Shinjuku area, as each of the Miman give out Glory in units of 8, which eventually wraps around to a number that ends in 5, then collect a Miman from the Minato area, which gives out 5 Glory.


Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]

Consumable Items[]

Name Description Price Stock Available (CoC) Available (CoV)
Default 25% Off Miracle Half Off Miracle
HealIcon SMTVMedicine A certain amount of small HP recovery to 1 ally. 50ћ 37ћ 25ћ 50 Default.
HealIcon SMTVAmrita Soda Recovers 1 ally's status ailments. 80ћ 60ћ 50
HealIcon SMTVRevival Bead Revives 1 ally to half HP. 400ћ 300ћ 200ћ 20
FireIcon SMTVFire Shard Light Fire attack on all foes. 200ћ 150ћ 100ћ 10
IceIcon SMTVIce Shard Light Ice attack on all foes. 200ћ 150ћ 100ћ 10
ElecIcon SMTVElec Shard Light Electric attack on all foes. 200ћ 150ћ 100ћ 10
ForceIcon SMTVForce Shard Light Force attack on all foes. 200ћ 150ћ 100ћ 10
LightIcon SMTVLight Shard Light Light attack on all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weaknesses. 250ћ 187ћ 125ћ 10
DarkIcon SMTVDark Shard Light Dark attack on all foes. Chance of instalill when striking weaknesses. 250ћ 187ћ 125ћ 10
SupportIcon SMTVFire Dampener Nullifies a Fire attack against all allies for 1 turn. 150ћ 112ћ 75ћ 3
SupportIcon SMTVIce Dampener Nullifies a Ice attack against all allies for 1 turn. 150ћ 112ћ 75ћ 3
SupportIcon SMTVElec Dampener Nullifies a Electric attack against all allies for 1 turn. 150ћ 112ћ 75ћ 3
SupportIcon SMTVForce Dampener Nullifies a Force attack against all allies for 1 turn. 150ћ 112ћ 75ћ 3
SupportIcon SMTVLight Dampener Nullifies a Light attack against all allies for 1 turn. 150ћ 112ћ 75ћ 3
SupportIcon SMTVDark Dampener Nullifies a Dark attack against all allies for 1 turn. 150ћ 112ћ 75ћ 3
MiscIcon SMTVSpyglass Displays info for 1 foe. 100ћ 75ћ 50ћ 50
MiscIcon SMTVSmoke Ball Guarantees escape from battle upon use. 500ћ 375ћ 250ћ 10 Accessed Shinagawa. Accessed Shinagawa.
HealIcon SMTVOx Bezoar Moderate set HP recovery to 1 ally. 400ћ 300ћ 200ћ 30 Slain Lahmu.
AlmightyIcon SMTVSpirit Drain Gem Weak Almighty MP drain attack to 1 foe. 600ћ 450ћ 300ћ 20 Investigated into the salt statues incidents in Tokyo.
FireIcon SMTVFire Gem Heavy Fire attack on 1 foe. 1,000ћ 750ћ 500ћ 10 Defeated Surt. Defeated Agrat bat Mahlat.
IceIcon SMTVIce Gem Heavy Ice attack on 1 foe. 1,000ћ 750ћ 500ћ 10
ElecIcon SMTVElec Gem Heavy Electric attack on 1 foe. 1,000ћ 750ћ 500ћ 10
ForceIcon SMTVForce Gem Heavy Force attack on 1 foe. 1,000ћ 750ћ 500ћ 10
LightIcon SMTVLight Gem Heavy Light attack on 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weaknesses. 1,500ћ 1,125ћ 750ћ 10
DarkIcon SMTVDark Gem Heavy Dark attack on 1 foe. Chance of instakill when striking weaknesses. 1,500ћ 1,125ћ 750ћ 10
HealIcon SMTVAmbrosia Large set HP recovery to 1 ally. 1,200ћ 900ћ 600ћ 20 Defeated Arioch. Defeated Abdiel.
HealIcon SMTVMuscle Drink Recover HP beyond max health to 1 ally, but has a chance to inflict Charm/Confusion/Mirage 2,400ћ 1,800ћ 1,200ћ 10
AlmightyIcon SMTVLife Drain Gem Weak Almighty HP/MP drain attack to 1 foe. 2,000ћ 1,500ћ 1,000ћ 30
MiscIcon SMTVWhittled Goat When the Nahobino's HP reaches 0, the item is sacrificed to revive him at full HP. 50,000ћ 37,500ћ 25,000ћ 1 Entered the Temple of Eternity.
Grimoire Grants a demon at a lower level than the Nahobino enough EXP to level up. 80,000ћ 60,000ћ 40,000ћ 99 Reached the Empyrean.


Name Description Price Available (CoC) Available (CoV)
Default 25% Off Miracle Half Off Miracle
Cait Sith's Essence Attack/recovery skills. Slightly strong against Elec. 2,000ћ 1,500ћ 1,000ћ Defeated Hydra.
Kodama's Essence Force attack/ailment/recovery skills. Slightly strong against Force. 2,000ћ 1,500ћ 1,000ћ
Azumi's Essence All attack skills, mostly Ice. Slightly strong against Ice. 3,000ћ 2,250ћ 1,500ћ
Sandman's Essence Mostly Phys/Ice/Force attack skills. Strong against Sleep. 2,000ћ 1,500ћ 1,000ћ
Mandrake's Essence Only Phys/Elec attack skills. Slightly strong against Electric. 2,000ћ 1,500ћ 1,000ћ
Onmoraki's Essence Fire/Dark/ailment skills. Slightly strong against Fire. 1,500ћ 1,125ћ 750ћ
Archangel's Essence Mostly attack skills; 3 different elements. Strong against Light. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ Accessed Shinagawa
Turdak's Essence Phys attack/recovery skill. Slightly strong against Dark. 3,000ћ 2,250ћ 1,500ћ
Legion's Essence Attack/ailment/passive skills. Strong against Dark. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ
Koppa Tengu's Essence Mostly Force attack and support skills. Slightly strong against Force/Sleep. 8,000ћ 6,000ћ 4,000ћ Defeated Loup-garou. Defeated Fionn mac Cumhaill.
Shiisaa's Essence Mostly Phys/Elec attack skills. Slightly strong against Elec/Force. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ
Jack-o'-Lantern's Essence Mostly Fire attack skills. Strong against Fire. 8,000ћ 6,000ћ 4,000ћ
Apsaras's Essence Mostly Ice attack skills; some recovery/support as well. Strong against Ice; slightly strong against Charm/Sleep. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ
Makami's Essence Attack/recovery/support/passive skills. Slightly strong against Light. 8,000ћ 6,000ћ 4,000ћ Slain Lahmu. Investigated into the salt statues incidents in Tokyo.
Koropokkur's Essence Mostly Ice attack/support skills. Strong against Ice. 12,000ћ 9,000ћ 6,000ћ
Loa's Essence Mostly attack skills; some support/passive as well. Strong against Dark/Poison. 16,000ћ 12,000ћ 8,000ћ
Mothman's Essence Attack/ailment/recovery/support skills. Strong against Elec. 12,000ћ 9,000ћ 6,000ћ
Basilisk's Essence Attack/ailment/support/passive skills. Slightly strong against Fire/Ice/Poison. 16,000ћ 12,000ћ 8,000ћ
Parvati's Essence Attack/recovery/support/passive skills. Strong against Confusion. 24,000ћ 18,000ћ 12,000ћ Defeated Surt. Defeated Agrat bat Mahlat.
Principality's Essence Attack/recovery/support/passive skills. Strong against Light. 12,000ћ 9,000ћ 6,000ћ
Setanta's Essence Mostly Physical attack skills. Strong against Force. 24,000ћ 18,000ћ 12,000ћ
Attis's Essence Mostly attack skills; some recovery/support/passive as well. 12,000ћ 9,000ћ 6,000ћ
Forneus's Essence Attack/ailment/support/passive skills. Strong against Ice/Dark. 16,000ћ 12,000ћ 8,000ћ
Horus's Essence Attack/recovery/support/passive skills. Strong against Light. 32,000ћ 24,000ћ 16,000ћ Defeated Arioch. Defeated Abdiel.
Narcissus's Essence Attack/ailment/support/passive skills. Strong against Force/Charm. 24,000ћ 18,000ћ 12,000ћ
Oyamatsumi's Essence Attack/recovery/support skills. Strong against Dark. 32,000ћ 24,000ћ 16,000ћ
Succubus's Essence Attack/ailment/support/passive skills. Strong against Ice/Charm/Sleep. 24,000ћ 18,000ћ 12,000ћ
Atavaka's Essence Mostly Light attack skills. Strong against Light/Dark. 50,000ћ 37,500ћ 25,000ћ Entered the Temple of Eternity.
Hanuman's Essence Mostly attack skills; some recovery/passive as well. Strong against Force. 40,000ћ 30,000ћ 20,000ћ
Macabre's Essence Attack/ailment/passive/special skills. Strong against Dark/Poison. 32,000ћ 24,000ћ 16,000ћ
Nue's Essence Mostly Phys/Elec attack skills. Strong against Elec. 40,000ћ 30,000ћ 20,000ћ
Dakini's Essence Mostly Strength-based attack skills. Strong against Seal. 40,000ћ 30,000ћ 20,000ћ
Dominion's Essence Attack/recovery/support skills. Strong against Elec/Light 50,000ћ 37,500ћ 25,000ћ Reached the Empyrean.
Ganesha's Essence Mostly Strength-based attack skills. Strong against Force 60,000ћ 45,000ћ 30,000ћ
Kushinada-Hime's Essence Attack/recovery/support/passive skills. Strong against Light. 40,000ћ 30,000ћ 20,000ћ
Yamata-no-Orochi's Essence Strength-based attack/passive skills. Strong against Fire/Ice 90,000ћ 67,500ћ 45,000ћ

V: Vengeance-exclusive Wares[]

Consumable Items[]

Name Description Price Stock Available (CoC) Available (CoV)
Default 25% Off Miracle Half Off Miracle
SupportIcon SMTVAttract Pipe Prevents enemies from fleeing in the field and increases chance of consecutive encounters until the next new moon. 2,500ћ 1,875ћ 1,250ћ 20 Slain Lahmu. Investigated into the salt statues incidents in Tokyo.
Strength Balm Raises the Nahobino's Strength by 1. 200,000ћ 150,000ћ 100,000ћ 99 Started a Godborn Mode run.
Vitality Balm Raises the Nahobino's Vitality by 1.
Magic Balm Raises the Nahobino's Magic by 1.
Agility Balm Raises the Nahobino's Agility by 1.
Luck Balm Raises the Nahobino's Luck by 1.
Strength Incense Raises a demon's Strength by 1. 50,000ћ 37,500ћ 25,000ћ
Vitality Incense Raises a demon's Vitality by 1.
Magic Incense Raises a demon's Magic by 1.
Agility Incense Raises a demon's Agility by 1.
Luck Incense Raises a demon's Luck by 1.
Battle Sutra Increases a demon's Physical potential by 1. (max: +9) 999,999ћ 749,999ћ 499,999ћ
Fire Sutra Increases a demon's Fire potential by 1. (max: +9) 400,000ћ 300,000ћ 200,000ћ
Ice Sutra Increases a demon's Ice potential by 1. (max: +9)
Elec Sutra Increases a demon's Electric potential by 1. (max: +9)
Force Sutra Increases a demon's Force potential by 1. (max: +9)
Light Sutra Increases a demon's Light potential by 1. (max: +9)
Dark Sutra Increases a demon's Dark potential by 1. (max: +9)
Destruction Sutra Increases a demon's Almighty potential by 1. (max: +9) 999,999ћ 749,999ћ 499,999ћ
Calamity Sutra Increases a demon's ailment potential by 1. (max: +9) 200,000ћ 150,000ћ 100,000ћ
Healing Sutra Increases a demon's healing potential by 1. (max: +5) 400,000ћ 300,000ћ 200,000ћ
Aiding Sutra Increases a demon's support potential by 1. (max: +5)


Name Description Price Available (CoC) Available (CoV)
Default 25% Off Miracle Half Off Miracle
Sudama's Essence Force attack/ailment skills. Strong against Force. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ Accessed Shinagawa.
Halphas's Essence Mostly ailment skills; some attack as well. Slightly strong against/Light/Dark. sic 3,000ћ 2,250ћ 1,500ћ
Mokoi's Essence Mostly ailment skills. Slightly strong against Electric. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ
Zhu Tun She's Essence Attack/ailment/support skills. Strong against Poison. 2,000ћ 1,500ћ 1,000ћ
Obariyon's Essence Attack/recovery/support skills. Slightly strong against Elec/Dark. 3,000ћ 2,250ћ 1,500ћ
Feng Huang's Essence Mostly attack skills; some recovery/passive as well. Strong against Fire. 8,000ћ 6,000ћ 4,000ћ Defeated Loup-garou. Defeated Fionn mac Cumhaill.
Bicorn's Essence Attack/support/passive skills. Strong against Dark. 3,000ћ 2,250ћ 1,500ћ
Incubus's Essence Mostly Physical attack skills with ailment effects. Strong against Charm. 8,000ћ 6,000ћ 4,000ћ
Nozuchi's Essence Attack/support/passive skills. Slightly strong against Physical. 4,000ћ 3,000ћ 2,000ћ
Shiki-Ouji's Essense Mostly attack skills; some ailment/support as well. Slightly strong against Phys/Light/Dark. 12,000ћ 9,000ћ 6,000ћ Defeat Lahmu. Investigated into the salt statues incidents in Tokyo.
Vouivre's Essense Mostly ailment skills; some attack/passive as well. Strong against Poison. 8,000ћ 6,000ћ 4,000ћ
Baphomet's Essense Mostly Dark attacks/support/passive skills. Strong against Dark. 16,000ћ 12,000ћ 8,000ћ Defeat Surt Defeat Agrat bat Mahlat
Jatayu's Essense Mostly Force attacks/support/passive skills. Strong against Force. 16,000ћ 12,000ћ 8,000ћ Defeated Arioch. Defeated Abdiel.
Thunderbird's Essense Mostly Electric attack skills. Strong against Electric. 24,000ћ 18,000ћ 12,000ћ
Sarasvati's Essense Attack/ailment/support skills. Strong against Ice/Charm. 40,000ћ 30,000ћ 20,000ћ Entered the Temple of Eternity.
Oberon's Essense Attack/recovery/support skills. Strong against Force.
Kaiwan's Essense Attack/ailment/support/passive skills. Strong against Dark.
Mad Gasser's Essense Mostly support/passive skills. Strong against Dark/Poison/Sleep/Mirage.
Efreet's Essense Mostly Fire attack/support/passive skills. Strong against Fire. 50,000ћ 37,500ћ 25,000ћ Reached the Empyrean.
Girimekhala's Essense Attack/ailment/support/passive skills. Strong against Physical. 80,000ћ 60,000ћ 40,000ћ
Hecatoncheires's Essense Physical attack/support/passive skills. Strong against Dark. 60,000ћ 45,000ћ 30,000ћ
Ananta's Essense Mostly Strength-based attack skills. Strong against Ice/Elec/Light. 60,000ћ 45,000ћ 30,000ћ
Fuu-Ki's Essense Attack/support/passive skills. Strong against Force. 70,000ћ 52,500ћ 35,000ћ
Decarabia's Essense Mostly Fire/Dark/Almighty attack skills. Strong against Dark. 60,000ћ 45,000ћ 30,000ћ
Lucifer's Essence Mostly attack skills; some recovery as well. Strong against Ice/Elec/Dark/Sleep/Confuse/Charm. 150,000ћ 112,500ћ 75,000ћ Unlocked Devil Lucifer for special fusion.
Tsukuyomi's Essence Base Attack/ailment/passive skills. 2 skills for Nahobino only. Strong against Ice/Light/Seal. 50,000ћ 37,500ћ 25,000ћ Exclusive to Canon of Vengeance. Obtained the first one in the Tokyo Diet Building after reaching three specific flags.
Tsukuyomi's Essence Median Attack/ailment/passive skills. 3 skills for Nahobino only. Strong against Ice/Light/Seal. 80,000ћ 60,000ћ 40,000ћ
Tsukuyomi's Essence Ultimus Attack/ailment/passive skills. 2 skills for Nahobino only. Strong against Ice/Light/Seal. 90,000ћ 67,500ћ 45,000ћ

Miman Milestone Rewards[]

Name Amount Available
Onmoraki's Essence 1 Found the Tutorial Miman.
Starter Healing Set
(Medicine, Life Stone, Amrita Soda)
3 each Found 5 Miman.
Element Talisman 1 Found 10 Miman.
Neko Shogun's Essence 1 Found 15 Miman.
Ice Gem 1 Found 20 Miman.
Angel's Essence 1 Found 25 Miman.
Avian Talisman 1 Found 30 Miman.
Gem Set
(Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Light, Dark)
3 each Found 35 Miman.
Makami's Essence 1 Found 40 Miman.
Avatar Talisman 1 Found 45 Miman.
Incense Set
(Health, Stamina, Strength, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck)
2 each Found 50 Miman.
Holy Talisman 1 Found 55 Miman.
King Frost's Essence 1 Found 60 Miman.
Ailment Gem Set
(Sleep, Mirage, Poison, Confusion, Charm, Seal)
4 each Found 65 Miman.
Fiend Talisman 1 Found 70 Miman.
Gem Set
(Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Light, Dark)
6 each Found 75 Miman.
Quetzalcoatl's Essence 1 Found 80 Miman.
Sutra Set
(Battle, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Light, Dark, Destruction, Calamity, Healing, Aiding)
1 each Found 85 Miman.
Kishin Talisman 1 Found 90 Miman.
Charge Gem Set
(Charge Gem & Concentrate Gem)
2 each Found 95 Miman.
Genma Talisman 1 Found 100 Miman.
Balm Set
(Health, Stamina, Strength, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck)
1 each Found 105 Miman.
Grimoire 6 Found 110 Miman.
Incense Set
(Health, Stamina, Strength, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck)
4 each Found 115 Miman.
Thunderbird's Essence 1 Found 120 Miman.
Ailment Gem Set
(Sleep, Mirage, Poison, Confusion, Charm, Seal)
8 each Found 125 Miman.
Large Glory Crystal 1 Found 130 Miman.
Sutra Set
(Battle, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Light, Dark, Destruction, Calamity, Healing, Aiding)
2 each Found 135 Miman.
Yoshitsune's Essence 1 Found 140 Miman.
Balm Set
(Health, Stamina, Strength, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck)
2 each Found 145 Miman.
Large Glory Crystal 2 Found 150 Miman.
Advanced Healing Set
(Ambrosia, Bead, Bead Chain, Chakra Pot, Soma, Amrita Shower, Balm of Life)
2 each Found 155 Miman.
Siegfried's Essence 1 Found 160 Miman.
Incense Set
(Health, Stamina, Strength, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck)
6 each Found 165 Miman.
Gospel 2 Found 170 Miman.
Large Glory Crystal 3 Found 175 Miman.
Lakshmi's Essence 1 Found 180 Miman.
Sutra Set
(Battle, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Light, Dark, Destruction, Calamity, Healing, Aiding)
3 each Found 185 Miman.
Soma 3 Found 190 Miman.
Large Glory Crystal 4 Found 195 Miman.
Balm Set
(Health, Stamina, Strength, Vitality, Magic, Agility, Luck)
4 each Found all 200 Miman.

Shin Megami Tensei V - Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Main Characters Nahobino - Aogami - Tao Isonokami - Yuzuru Atsuta - Ichiro Dazai - Yoko Hiromine
Supporting Characters Sophia - Gustave - Goko - Amanozako - Fionn mac Cumhaill - Miyazu Atsuta - Hayao Koshimizu - Sahori Itsukishima - Shohei Yakumo - Nuwa - Mastema - Demi-fiend - Artemis - Cleopatra - Mephisto
Antagonists Bethel: Abdiel - Khonsu - Vasuki - Zeus - Odin - Shiva
Qadištu: Lilith - Naamah - Eisheth - Agrat
Others: Lahmu - Tiamat - Mastema - Tehom - Lucifer
Tokyo Jouin High School - Shinagawa Station - Takanawa Tunnel - Jozoji
Da'at Minato - Shinagawa - Chiyoda - Taito - Demon King's Castle - Temple of Eternity - Empyrean - Tree of Knowledge
Albums Original Soundtrack - Premium Edition Soundtrack
Songs N/A
Terminology Nahobino - Bethel - Knowledge - Magatsuhi - Qadištu - Shekinah Glory - Demon Summoning Program - Conception - Armageddon
Mechanics Demon - Press Turn - Moon Phase System - Alignment‎ - Negotiation (Dialogue) - Encounters - Fusion - Race and species - Difficulty
Skill Potential - Magatsuhi Skills - Essence - Glory - Miracles - Menorah
World of Shadows - Cadaver's Hollow - Miman - Treasure Boxes - Vending Machines - Demon Statues - Abscess - Magatsuhi Crystals - Leyline Fount - Terminal - Gifts - Search Points
Lists Bosses - Skills - Items - Status Changes - Quests - Demons (Vengeance)
Other Script - Updates - Trophies - Steam Profile Items
Other Media
Promotion Daily Demon (Vengeance) - News
TGS 2021
Other Demon Colosseum - Merchandise