Brahman is said to be the absolute, the highest universal principle, the governor of all and the ultimate reality itself within Hindu teachings. The essence of Brahman is found within all souls and is considered to be the catalyst of existence. Brahman is eternal, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Brahman can shape and destroy the universe and reality in any way they please (if so desired). Their will is far beyond human understanding.
While all beings contain the essence of Brahman, the most notable characters in Hinduism to actually personify them are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. These are three forms of the same entity. Brahma is widely considered to be the avatar of Brahman as creator, Vishnu as preserver and Shiva as destroyer.
The primordial cosmic energy known as Shakti is sometimes used in place of Brahman within teachings.
In the Kyuuyaku version of Megami Tensei II, Brahman was replaced with Brahma.
Persona 4 / Golden[]
A mecha model named MF-06S Brahman references the name of this demon.
Devil Children White Book[]
The church of Brahman is found in the Wind Expanse, where he is worshiped by the Hindu demons who live there. His temple holds a secret path to the Wind Temple. Kali serves as a priestess.
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]
Brahman, also known as God (but has no relation to YHVH), is the final boss of the game. Sera was shown to have the ability to communicate with God. It is revealed that prior to the events that occurred in Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner, Serph Sheffield, in his bid for the power of God, accidentally led Sera to pour enormous amounts of corrupt data into her communications with God, causing great pain to the entity. God, furious, caused the change in the Sun in order to exterminate the human race. This was done by turning the sun black, causing any humans who were hit by the rays of the Black Sun to be petrified, with no way to reverse it. This was later called the Cuvier Syndrome. Humans infected with Atma were immune to the Cuvier Syndrome, but still would be affected by Solar Noise which the Black Sun also started emitting continuously. During high-Noise periods, their demon transformation becomes more difficult to control, which can result in involuntary partial transformations.
Near the end of the game, Brahman, through the use of the sun, began to download the Earth which would bring the end of the planet. However, Seraph (the combined form of Serph and Sera) and their party were able to reach Brahman after having their data downloaded into the Sun. After a long battle with Brahman to convince him not to download the Earth, he stops the Black Sun phenomena, returning the sun to its normal state while the people who had their data absorbed into the sun but were able to go to Nirvana (such as Seraph). Otherwise, they are reincarnated back to Earth.
Brahman's appearance in his boss fight has multiple heads with multiple prayer wheels on each head.
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2[]
He is fought in five phases, one after another without intermission. Each phase possesses five turn icons, 3,500 HP (except for the last one, which has 6,000 HP), absorbs one of the five elements, and has a different set of skills.
Brahman in phases 1 to 4 will not change immediately when the party has subtracted all his remaining HP. They will wait until all of the party's turn icons for that turn have been used up. If elemental barrier skills are used, it is wise to decide the one that can counter the next phase when the damage figure on Brahman is red instead of white, indicating his HP is low already.
Starting from the third phase onwards, after Brahman has used Eternal Zero, it will always be followed by Marevert until any teammate has been reverted to human form, then Brahman will use Revert on the remaining teammate who is still in demon form. After this turn, the party should immediately use Dekaja Rocks and Dekunda to negate all the buffs and debuffs from both sides and recast buffs and/or debuffs to turn the tide.
One of Brahman's unique skills, Brahma Sutra, is a misspelling of Brahmastra, the godly weapon created by Brahma. It also deals more damage with each use, putting the fight on a soft timer in the last phase
If Brahma Sutra is survived twice then upon the third use of it, text saying "datJyokyoHelp::jyokyohelp BURAFUMA3 PLAYER" will appear. After this, the third Brahma Sutra is used, instantly killing all party members.[1] "Jyokyo" is likely the romaji for "status" (状況, jyoukyou)?.