Depending on Kei Azuma's gender, their roles will be swapped. If the protagonist is male, Baraki will be the friend he grew up with and Sumire will be a young girl and Emi's classmate. Whichever one is the protagonist's friend will also become a Debugger.
As the game progresses both of them begin to question the Central Administration that runs Idea Space and learn more about the Ring of Gaea, eventually choosing to help the Ring of Gaea and attempt to free Lucifer. In the Chaos ending the same-gender one will be killed, while the other lives and confesses to Kei, beginning their life of freedom together. In the Law ending the opposite-gender character takes on a demonic power and is killed by Kei. In some versions of the neutral ending, the opposite-gender character is fought along with Lucifer, otherwise they are killed by the Administration.
This topic is in need of research for the following reason: * What skills do they use as Reinforcements?
This can be discussed on the article's talk page.
They are both fought separately in all the law and neutral routes