Balor of the Evil Eye, also known as Balar or Bolar, was a king of the Fomorians, a group of evil beings in Irish Mythology. His father was Buarainech and his wife was Cethlenn. According to legend, he lived on Tory Island. Balor was notable for his one eye, which could kill anyone it looked upon. He gained this power as a child when watching his father's druids preparing poisonous spells, the fumes of which rose into his eye. His eye was normally kept closed, only to be opened on the battlefield by four men using a handle fitted to his eyelid, or, in some versions, a system of ropes and pulleys.
According to prophecy, Balor was to be killed by his grandson. To avoid his fate, he locked his daughter, Ethlinn, in a tower made of crystal to keep her from becoming pregnant. However, Cian, one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, with the help of the druidess Birog, managed to enter the tower. She gave birth to triplets by him, but Balor threw them into the ocean. Birog saved one, Lugh, and gave him to Manannan mac Lir, who became his foster father. He was called Lugh Lamhfada and became a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Lugh led the Tuatha in the second Battle of Magh Tuiredh against the Fomorians. Ogma disarmed Balor during this battle, but Balor killed Nuada with his eye. Lugh shot a sling-stone which drove Balor's eye out the back of his head, where it continued to wreak its deadly power on the Fomorian army. In other versions Lugh blinded Balor with a spear made by Goibniu, or decapitated him and used his eye against the Fomorians.
"A one-eyed king in Celtic lore. He can kill merely with a look of his eye. He is the leader of the Fomorians, enemies of the gods. His name was feared and his army troubled the gods."
Balor can be found in Shibuya. He can teach the Agilao, Megaton Press, Mamudo and Agidyne skills through his Demon Whisper. Balor benefits from learning Fire and Physical skills.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance[]
The Eye of Balor is a unique item. It is an item that causes minimal-tier Dark damage when used against any enemy demon that has a chance to instakill the target if it has a weakness, making it weaker than even Dark Shards. On the other hand, using the Eye of Balor doesn't consume it, making the Eye of Balor a weaker Dark Gem with infinite uses. The Eye of Balor is obtained as the reward of the Subquest "Hero of the Celts," provided by Cu Chulainn and Scathach.
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]
Balor is fought in Amnesia's Mahong on the Dark-Law and Light-Chaos routes.
DemiKids Light & Dark[]
"A dark demon with an evil eye that can knock an enemy senseless with just one look."
"A one-eyed king in Celtic lore. He can kill merely with a look of his eye. He is a leader of the Formorians, enemies of the gods. His name was feared and his army troubled the gods. Because of his deadly stare, he kept his evil eye closed when not on the battlefield."