Megami Tensei Wiki

Armor (防具*)? is a type of equipment in the series.


Armor normally caters towards granting the user an increase in both defense and evasion. It is generally divided by sex, with some armor only being able to be equipped by men or women. There's also the unisex type of armor, which can be equipped by both. As there are characters with unique physiques, there are generally separate armor categories catered just for them.

In Persona 5, dirty armor can be found, which does nothing, but can be washed at a laundromat to produce a random armor that can be used in battle.

Consumable Items (Infiltration Tools - Meals) - Materials - Treasure - Skill Card - Essentials (Books - DVDs - Retro Games - Gifts - Decorations - Incense - Other Essentials) - Key Items (Will Seeds)
Melee Weapons (Ranged Weapons) - Armor (Shoes) - Accessories - Outfits