Aello, also known as Aellopus is the Harpy sister of Kelaino and Ocypete, and is the eldest of the three sisters. Aello is associated with great speed and her name literally means "storm swift".
The eldest of the three sisters ruling the Three Harpy Sisters, and the daughter of the sea god Thaumas and Electra the Oceanid. Her name means "storm" or "gale". She has the head of a woman and the body of a bird. As queens, Aello and her sisters are blessed with beautiful faces and graceful limbs, and give off a fragrant aroma.
The Harpies live in the sacred Dikti Mountains of Crete. They are considered goddesses of death, and at the same time goddesses of rainbows. They are believed to be divine manifestations of the wind.
"The eldest of three sisters ruling the three Harpy Sisters, and the daughter of the sea god Thaumas and Electra the Oceanid. Her name means "storm" or "gale". She has the head of a woman and the body of a bird. As queens, Aello and her sisters are blessed with beautiful faces and graceful limbs, and give off a fragrant aroma. Some sources claim there is also a fourth sister named Podarge.
The Harpies live in the sacred Dikti Mountains of Crete. They are considered goddesses of death, and at the same time goddesses of rainbows. They are believed to be divine manifestations of the wind."
—Shin Megami Tensei: IMAGINE Compendium
Aello can be found in the Shibuya Quartz dungeon and in the southern parts of Shibuya. Aello reflects slash attacks and she is a primarily a speed based demon, focusing on ranged attacks. Her weaknesses include all gun styles (penetrate, spread, etc.) and force attacks.