According to the mythological records of ancient Japan, Abihiko was part of a prestigious family from Yamato and the older brother of Nagasunehiko. When the army led by Emperor Jimmu's older brother, Itsuse no Mikoto, reached Naniwa (where modern day Osaka now stands) from the east, Abihiko and his brother's forces were able to repel them and kill Itsuse no Mikoto in the fray. However, when Jimmu and his army reappeared from the west, Abihiko along with his brother's army were taken by surprise and pushed back to Yamato. While there, Jimmu met with Nigihayahi, who both claimed to be descendants of Takamagahara. Nigihayahi eventually accepted Jimmu's legitimacy, and Jimmu ascended to the throne.
After Jimmu had taken control of Yamato with the consent of Nigihayahi, Abihiko and Nagasunehiko migrated to Tsugaru, where it is said they founded a dynasty of their own.
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army[]
"A member of a powerful family of ancient Yamato, he is the elder brother of Nagasunehiko. After their defeat, the brothers migrated to Tugaru, where it is said they started a dynasty."
—Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army devil chart
Abihiko appears alongside Nagasunehiko in a boss fight. They are summoned to stop Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV when he tries to save Kaya Daidouji from the Super Soldier Project. After being defeated, Abihiko can be fused in the Gouma-Den once Raidou has reached level 43. Being a demon of the Skill Order, Raidou must use identical binary fusion in order to summon him. He can be summoned by fusing demons of the Pyro, Wind, Fury or Pagan Orders with a level average of 39-40.
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Lone Marebito[]