Megami Tensei вики

"Завораживающее зрелище... Быть может, это подделки, но вместе они представляют собой славную картину... Несмотря на распускание цветов зла, да будет это известно... Омерзительность обречена на гибель!"
—Юсукэ Китагава, Persona 5

Юсукэ Китагава - игровой персонаж из Persona 5. Он художник и ученик старшей школы Косей, который вступает в ряды Призрачных похитителей сердец.


  • Persona 5 / Royal: Игровой персонаж; Аркана Император
    • Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers: Главный персонаж
    • Persona 5 The Animation: Главный персонаж
    • Persona 5 (Манга): Главный персонаж
    • Persona 5 The Stage
  • Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight: Игровой персонаж
  • Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers: Игровой персонаж
  • Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight: DLC голос поддержки
  • Persona O.A.
  • Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: Игровой персонаж
    • Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Roundabout Special


У Юсукэ темно-синие волосы с челкой на левую сторону, которая слегка закрывает его серые глаза. Его игровая модель заметно более высокая и худая, чем у других мужских персонажей. Его напарники-призрачные воры Энн Такамаки и Рюдзи Сакамото оба описывают его, как "симпатичного мальчика."

В отличие от своей сокурсницы Хифуми Того, Юсукэ не носит школьную форму старшей школы Косей. Его зимняя униформа состоит из белой рубашки наподобие гакурана с вышитой на ней геральдической лилией, черных приталенных брюк и туфель. К пряжке его ремня прикреплено серебряное кольцо, удерживающее несколько ключей. В летнем варианте униформы белая рубашка сменяется ультрамариновой с закатанными до локтей рукавами.

Его зимний повседневный наряд состоит из серого пиджака в белую вертикальную полоску, надетого поверх бело-розово-красной кофты с длинными рукавами, черных брюк и ботильонов. Летом он носит лонгслив цвета индиго с серыми и черными элементами, черные брюки и мокасины.

В Persona 5 Royal, в середине зимнего триместра, Юсукэ носит длинное бирюзовое пальто с белыми пуговицами, надетое поверх обычной школьной формы. В свободные дни он носит серо-коричневое пальто и тунику с орнаментами темно-синего, электрического синего и черного цветов. На нем остаются черные брюки и ботильоны из предыдущего наряда.

В Метавселенной на нем традиционная полумаска кицунэ, черный комбинезон с высоким воротником и рукавами буфами, полосатый кушак, белые мотоциклетные сапоги и яркие голубые перчатки. Также к комбинезону прикреплен белый лисий хвост.

В "Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight", он остается в своей летней школьной форме, но с добавлением черной куртки с шипами, ярко-красных перчаток без пальцев и серебристо-металлических кроссовок.



ペルソナ5 8週連続テレビCM④ 「喜多川祐介編」

Трейлер Юсукэ.

Вся жизнь Юсукэ окружена искусством, и оно является его главной страстью. Он ищет красоту во всем, что окружает его: от людей до мест. Каждую возможность или задачу, возникающую у него, он видит в качестве способа расширения своего кругозора и в первую очередь рассматривает профит для себя, как художника. Юсукэ очарован картиной "Саюри" и старается запечатлеть чувство прекрасного, изображенное на ней. Это стремление распространилось и на его учителя Мадарамэ. Юноша верил, что тот создал картину и приютил его в малом возрасте, при этом игнорируя то, что учитель использует его для личной выгоды. Юсукэ настолько уважал его и восхищался им, что рьяно отрицал все слухи и сплетни о нем.

Даже зная, что слухи являются правдой и имея доказательство, подтверждающее их, Юсукэ уверен, что жестокое обращение, с которым он столкнулся, было вынужденным и нужно было для того, чтобы у него оставалась крыша над головой. Даже после победы над Мадарамэ юноша страдает от тяжелого случая Стокгольмского синдрома по отношению к бывшему учителю и до сих пор желает, чтобы тот вновь стал тем, кем Юсукэ думает, он является, хотя очевидно, что все хорошее в Мадарамэ исчезло в момент его рождения. В Persona 5: Royal показано, что в идеальной жизни, созданной влияющими на сознание силами Такуто Маруки, Мадарамэ предстает честным и чистосердечным учителем, который никогда не выдавал "Саюри" за свое творение, безустанно работал, чтобы мать Юсукэ получила заслуженное признание в мире искусства и даже отдал неизмененную картину в музей.

Команда уважает его страсть к искусству и восхищается им, хоть его и считают довольно странным. Как-то раз Энн сказала, что он "на своей волне". Однако Юсукэ прекрасно знает, что его мозг работает иначе, чем у большинства людей. Он признает свою эксцентричность, но очень оскорбляется, когда кто-то смеется над этой чертой или указывает на нее.

Несмотря на свою странность, Юсукэ невероятно рассудителен и во многих смыслах является самым зрелым членом команды. Юноша не видит пользы в панике или волнении, потому что это ничуть не помогает в сложившейся ситуации. Обычно он вежлив в обращении с другими, особенно в сравнении с вульгарным Рюдзи, высокомерным Морганой и пассивно-агрессивным Горо. Несмотря на это, когда тень Мадарамэ раскрывает перед ним свою настоящую натуру, Юсукэ не скрывает чувства предательства и злости. Он имеет тенденцию быть более искренним, имея дело с людьми, которые восхищают его с эстетической точки зрения. К примеру, он вел себя очень прямолинейно и уважительно, когда обратился к Энн, желая нарисовать ее. Однако из-за этой искренности Юсукэ может показаться напористым, что показывает наличие у него очень упрямой стороны характера, которая показывается, когда он очень вдохновлен чем-либо.

Он несколько холоден и надменен в обращении с людьми, которые ведут себя, по его мнению, неподобающим образом. Это особенно заметно во время его первых встреч с Рюдзи и протагонистом, а также, когда он встретил двух женщин, которые пытались с ним флиртовать. К тому же, Юсукэ может быть очень суров с людьми, совершающими ошибки. К примеру, когда он накричал на Рюдзи за то что тот был пойман или, когда он отчитал Макото за безрассудное поведение. Такая строгость распространяется и на остальную команду, ведь, когда все они были обвинены в убийстве, он гневно утверждал, что не стоило действовать очертя голову.

Вопреки этому, Юсукэ изо всех сил старается быть джентельменом и в целом является одним из самых добрых людей в команде. Он очень тактичен по отношению к Футабе, потому что знает, что от глубоко укоренившейся проблемы, как у нее, нельзя избавиться за пару дней. Хоть он и был одним из первых, кому удалось нормально поговорить с ней, у них время от времени случаются ссоры. Еще Юсукэ беспокоится о поведении своего одноклассника Наои Макигами, подозревая, что проблемы в семье являются тому причиной. Его откровенность и готовность высказать то, что он по-настоящему думает, невзирая на реакцию других, делают его очень верным и честным союзником. Также он утверждает, что является донором крови и называет это хобби.

Из-за жизни в изоляции Юсукэ не привык ко многим нормам поведения в обществе, в связи с чем он не раз проявлял наивность. Незаметно для себя самого юноша мог быть навязчивым, пока ему прямо об этом не сказали. Порой он создает проблемы для других членов команды. К примеру, он был слишком уж настырным, прося Энн стать его натурщицей, изменил позы фигурок Фениксов рейнджеров перьеменов Р Футабы без ее разрешения и часто критикует нахальство Рюдзи. Одним из предметов шуток в игре является привычка Юсукэ, не думая о последствиях, тратить все деньги на вещи, которые привлекли его внимание. Это могут быть артбуки или даже омары с пляжа, которые доставляют ему эстетическое удовольствие. В то же время он показывает себя высокоинтеллектуальным человеком, что очевидно во время собраний Призрачных похитителей и краж сокровищ.

Иногда отстранённость Юсукэ от реальности и его внезапное знакомство со злой и тщеславной натурой наставника становятся причинами борьбы внутри него. Он мечтает запечатлеть сущность человеческой души и творить лишь в порыве вдохновения, но презирает необходимость делать это ради денег, крова и признания. Юноша осознал, что красота, которую он стал выражать в своих произведениях, была осквернена ожиданиями общества, которое посчитало ее поверхностной и не имеющей смысла. В конце концов, благодаря протагонисту Юсукэ понял свое стремление к более высокому уровню искусства и научился должным образом выражать свои чувства на холсте.

Как человек искусства, Юсукэ знает и уважает других художников. В качестве своего кодового имени Призрачного похитителя он предложил "Да Винчи" , что является отсылкой к Леонардо да Винчи. В своем Конфиданте он сравнивает протагониста с Тео, братом Винсента ван Гога, который всегда был опорой для великого живописца. Он любит ходить пешком (в дополнение это помогает сэкономить на проездных) и часто наблюдает за людьми для появления вдохновения. Юсукэ знает толк в экономном питании и использует собственный метод, чтобы вкусно поесть и при этом не разориться. Юноше известно многое в области эстетики питания - он знает какие ингредиенты использовать, как приготовить и подать блюдо. Он увлечен этим занятием, и его вполне можно назвать хобби. Однако на деле его финансовое положение не позволяет ему практиковаться сколько он хочет. К тому же, во время готовки Юсукэ всегда экспериментирует с ингредиентами, из-за чего могут получиться странные блюда.


Persona 5[]

Юсукэ - отличник, который обучается искусству в старшей школе Косей. Его мать умерла, когда ему было три года, поэтому его приемным родителем стал Мадарамэ, который его и вырастил. Мальчик рос, и опекун стал учить его искусству. Для Юсукэ главным источником вдохновения и стимулом стать художником был шедевр "Саюри", написанный его учителем. На самом же деле Мадарамэ вырастил юношу лишь для того, чтобы выдавать его работы за свои, а если тот противился, мужчина давал ему совсем мало еды. К моменту начала игры большинство учеников Мадарамэ были выгнаны из его лачуги, умерли от жестокого обращения с его стороны или же ушли из-за потери интереса к искусству. Таким образом, Юсукэ стал последним, кто остался с наставником. Несмотря на то что он яро защищает Мадарамэ, до событий игры юноша признался Нацухико Наканохаре, что ушел бы от этого человека, если бы мог.

Юсукэ никогда не заявлял об этом прямо, но было достаточно очевидно, что Мадарамэ почти не обращался с юношей, как с человеком, пока тот рос. Учителя не волновало отсутствие у подопечного нормального питания, денег и места для сна. Больше того, при любой возможности он саботировал художественную карьеру ученика. Вопреки всему этому, забота Мадарамэ стала причиной развития у Юсукэ тяжелого случая Стокгольмского синдрома, от которого он страдал и после победы над бывшим наставником. Это выражалось в том, что он все еще верил, что Мадарамэ был хорошим человеком и ему стоит лишь извиниться, чтобы они снова стали жить в мире.

Однажды Юсукэ заинтересовался Энн Такамаки, вдохновившись ее красотой, и захотел сделать ее своей натурщицей. Как-то раз он шел за ней по пятам, но был остановлен протагонистом и Рюдзи Сакамото. После объяснения своих намерений он предложил Энн обдумать его предложение и пригласил ее на выставку картин своего учителя. Узнав по слухам, что Мадарамэ - мошенник, Призрачные похитители решили принять предложение Юсукэ, дабы проследить за его учителем. Они прямо спрашивают юношу, действительно ли Мадарамэ нечист на руку, из-за чего тот злиться и неоднократно защищает наставника.

Расспросив Нацухико Наканохару о деяниях его бывшего учителя и найдя Дворец, Призрачные похитители начали операцию по поиску доказательств тому, что Мадарамэ является обманщиком. Вход в его Дворец закрывал барьер с рисунком из павлиньих перьев, поэтому Энн согласилась стать моделью Юсукэ, чтобы они с Морганой, придя к художнику, попытались открыть дверь в мастерскую с точно таким же орнаментом, как на преграде. В это же время протагонист и Рюдзи отправились во Дворец Мадарамэ, ожидая открытия пути.

Энн сделала все, что в ее силах, чтобы отсрочить свое становление обнаженной моделью - девушка надела столько одежды, что Юсукэ вскользь подумал, что она прибавила в весе. Она также попыталась умаслить юношу открыть нужную дверь, что у нее не вышло из-за ее сомнительного актерского мастерства. Несмотря на это, Моргане удалось отпереть нужную дверь, за которой оказалось хранилище копий "Саюри", среди которых был и оригинал, закрытый фиолетовой тканью. Увидев, что скрывала дверь, Юсукэ отказался верить в то что это является правдой.

Внезапно в мастерской появился Мадарамэ, дабы узнать, что происходит. Он стал угрожать вызовом полиции, поэтому у Морганы и Энн не было выбора, кроме как сбежать в его Дворец. В процессе побега Юсукэ по случайности тоже попал в Метавселенную, где он оказался впервые. Even after seeing the proof earlier, Yusuke remains in shock and wants to believe in his master, so he decides to follow the Thieves to find out the truth. Despite Yusuke appearing to be protective of Madarame, according to Natsuhiko Nakanohara, if he could leave from his "care" he would, indicating that he might know that Madarame was suspicious before that happened.

When a barricade in Madarame's Palace prevents the party from processing further, Ann attempts to trick Yusuke to open a door in Madarame's house that matches the peacock pattern on the barricade, but to no avail due to her poor acting. Despite this, with all of his hard effort, Morgana managed to open the door, which was revealed to contain numerous copies of "Sayuri", with the original one being covered in a purple cloth. Yusuke sees this in denial of the truth while Madarame barges in to investigate. He threatens Yusuke and Ann a lawsuit using his counter-paparazzi squad, only for Ann to drag him and Morgana into the Metaverse.

As Ryuji and the protagonist reunites with Ann, Morgana and Yusuke, Yusuke was in disbelief that the golden museum in front of him is how his mentor sees his shack. Even when he hears about how the cognitive copy of him in Madarame's Palace (Taking the form of a painting to symbolize that Madarame treated him as a tool), he still refuses to admit that Madarame was a despicable person, up until he personally meets Shadow Madarame, who reveals to him that he is nothing other than a slave to him, and he admits and flaunts that he has indeed been stealing his students' artwork and declaring it as his own. He also tells Yusuke that he didn't take him in out of good will, but merely treated him and his other disciples as livestock to be disposed of after they were of no use. Furthermore, he threatens to destroy his artistic career if he ever stood against him.

Once Yusuke learns of this truth, his desperation to find any decent goodness in his mentor turns into that of complete and utter desire for Madarame's retribution. Yusuke awakens his Persona, Goemon, and after dispatching Shadow Madarame's guards, Yusuke desires to confront his master's Shadow to get answers, but his awakening exhausts him, forcing the party to put the plan on hold for another day. Retreating to the real world, Yusuke asks to join the Phantom Thieves, which is permitted by Morgana. Madarame also decided to hold the lawsuit until his exhibit ends so he won't attract unnecessary attention. From this point on, he is also responsible for creating calling cards for the Phantom Thieves.


Persona 5 Boss Fight 2 (1080p)

Shadow Madarame (Azazel) boss.

Yusuke and the Phantom Thieves successfully pull off the heist, leading to a chase, and Shadow Madarame revealing that the stolen painting they took was a decoy. Trapping them, Shadow Madarame gloats at the Phantom Thieves, revealing his Palace's Treasure, the painting of Sayuri in its true form, showing a woman holding a baby. From this, Yusuke deduces that his mother's death is not a simple accident. Shadow Madarame confirms this, revealing that he offered tutelage to Yusuke's mother when Yusuke was a baby. Always very sickly, Yusuke's mother created an art piece of herself happily holding her newborn son in her arms so that she could immortalize the love she had for her son. When Madarame came across this beautifully constructed work of art, he planned to take the opportunity to claim the art for himself.

One tragic day, Madarame witnessed her having a seizure in front of him, and instead of easily offering medical support, he let her die in vain and made duplicates of her last piece dedicated to her son to sell to the public, which granted him the fame and credit he has today. In order to give it "mystery," Madarame altered the art by removing the baby from the painting completely, and that baby is none other than Yusuke himself. Since he was just 3 years old, Yusuke could not remember the original Sayuri and believed that the defaced Sayuri was its true form.

As Yusuke grew up, he developed artistic talent, which Madarame also took advantage of. Inspired by his control over Yusuke, Madarame decided to start targeting other youths in Tokyo, using them for their artistic ideas and throwing them out of the house, unsupported, if they did not comply to his wishes. None of Madarame's students receive credit or recognition for their works. Yusuke is no exception to this. Madarame uses them to take their credit for his own, just like he did to Yusuke's mother, Natsuhiko and his disciples many years ago.

Now knowing the whole truth, Yusuke thanks his former mentor for now giving him no reason to forgive him. Eventually defeating him and stealing his heart, Yusuke retrieves the original Sayuri painting that his mother had painted for him. Yusuke deduces that "Sayuri" is just a made up title by Madarame for the painting, and unlikely to be his mother's true name for the fear of exposing his scam.

After the exhibition, Madarame confesses to his crimes and is swiftly punished and discredited for it. Yusuke sadly recalls the "happy family" he lived in when Madarame's other disciples were around and how as he grew older, he never lost the hope that they would come back and they all could be happy once again. Now that he is part of the Phantom Thieves, he feels like he has another "happy family" again. Wanting to let go of the past, Yusuke gives the recovered and restored Sayuri painting to the protagonist, who then displays it at Cafe Leblanc.

Because Yusuke no longer wishes to live with Madarame, Yusuke does not have housing. He wonders where he should go, once staying over at Cafe Leblanc for a night. However, he eventually decides to find residence at the dormitories of Kosei High School.

If the party does not complete the dungeon in time, on the day Madarame completes his exhibition, he will report the Phantom Thieves to the police for trespassing into his home, and he will also keep Yusuke as an apprentice against his will. This scenario is a false recollection made by the protagonist during Sae's interrogation, due to his mind being addled by the drugs he was forcefully administered to take by the police. Sae proceeds to leave the room to give the protagonist time to recover, at which point Akechi takes the opportunity to assassinate him.


To see Yusuke's Confidant dialogue options and skills, see Confidant/Yusuke Kitagawa
"Multiple cards were discovered among your belongings—replicas of the same design. I don't have a clue how these cards were used, but someone proficient in the arts was close to you... ...What were you having this person do!?"
—Sae Niijima talking about Yusuke Kitagawa, Persona 5

Yusuke's Confidant can be started on June 18th, after completing Madarame's Palace. It revolves around the fallout of his relationship with Madarame, and his struggle to continue painting. Unlocking this Confidant allows Yusuke to replicate a Skill Card using Blank Cards, which can be obtained in the Palace, being able to copy higher end Skill Cards as the Rank increases. However, his Confidant rank cannot go higher than 5 unless the protagonist's Proficiency is rank 4 (Masterful). Maxing this Confidant makes Goemon evolve into Kamu Susano-o and unlocks the fusion of Odin.

Yusuke's Follow Up attack, granted at Confidant rank 3, is a strong strike to a single target on the field which is guaranteed to be a critical hit. However, this is on the low end as Follow Up attacks go, due to only striking one target.

Yusuke approaches the protagonist, admitting that he has been caught in a deep slump like his former mentor ever since discovering Madarame's true nature. He goes with the protagonist to Mementos in order to find inspiration on a new piece to capture the contents of the heart. Shadows attack them while there, but are quickly defeated, and when one drops a Blank Card, Yusuke uses it to create a real Skill Card, an ability he offers to the protagonist in exchange for helping him with his art.


Yusuke crushed by "Desire" being insulted.

Using the concept sketch he made in Mementos, Yusuke creates "Desire," a painting he eagerly decides to submit to an upcoming art exhibition, believing it will be acclaimed as a raw look into the human psyche. To his disappointment, however, it is universally panned by both critics and patrons for being emotionless and stale. Upon inspection, Yusuke realizes the painting only conveys his own blank interpretation of desire, and considers giving up, but the protagonist convinces him to try again and prove his ability.

Yusuke takes the protagonist to various places to observe people and paint in order to reenergize his creative spirit and tackle various aspects of the human heart as themes, only to find different aspects beyond his focus. Their trips eventually take them back to Madarame's shack, where Yusuke reminisces about his pure passion for art, his pursuit of superficial beauty and his blind acceptance of Madarame's facade as a strict but kind mentor. Yusuke reveals his fears that he, too, might be succumbing to the dark desires that corrupted Madarame, and despite discovering his dark secrets, Yusuke still partly acknowledges Madarame as his teacher and father figure, and questions what lies in both Madarame's and his own heart.

He then meets Akiko Kawanabe, the director of the Japanese Art Support Foundation, who he unknowingly met back at the exhibition. Yusuke admits he believes his pure passion for art has been lost because of Madarame, and Kawanabe offers him a spot in his foundation in exchange for being marketed as a tragic brooding artist and selling his paintings through his gallery. Yusuke angrily rejects, saying the offer has nothing to do with art, but Kawanabe only notes his immaturity and instead goads him to enter an upcoming competition with the Foundation's support as the prize. Yusuke decides to enter to prove his ability and show the true meaning of art to Kawanabe and all others who only care for wealth.

Yusuke asks for help from the protagonist, Ryuji, and Ann on deciding a subject for his piece, only to quickly lament that his paintings could never match the beauty of "Sayuri," because he is overcome by needs for money and fame. The others help him realize that there is nothing wrong with doing things for himself, but his art needs to be made for the sake of others if he wants to succeed. Yusuke comes to understand the beauty he sought on a much deeper level and, during another trip to Mementos with the protagonist, the meaning behind the "Sayuri" and its impact on him.


Yusuke's new "Desire and Hope."

He is inspired to paint again and recreates the "Desire" piece as "Desire and Hope," to reflect the duality of humanity and bring hope to people lost to their inner darkness. The painting wins the competition and is given praise from Kawanabe, who reveals his taunting Yusuke was only an act of aid from another former victim of Madarame to spark his inner drive. Kawanabe reveals he and Madarame were classmates and that despite his vanity and evil actions Madarame too was once pure and had traits of merit, caring for Yusuke when he was ill. When he offers the support of his foundation, Yusuke again declines, saying that his friends and the bonds between them, the inspiration for his piece, are his hope and with them he will never go down the same dark path Madarame did. With newfound resolve, Yusuke finally breaks his slump and becomes eager to start his next piece causing Goemon to transform into Kamu Susano-o.

Yusuke's farewell gift to the protagonist after maxing his Confidant is the Desire and Hope painting he made during the Confidant. It unlocks the Master Duplication ability from the start of New Game+ once their Confidant has been established.

Persona 5 Royal[]

Yusuke's role is largely the same as he is in Persona 5, aside that he and Ryuji also hang out with the protagonist in a summer fair during the 17th of July.

Taking Back Reality[]

During the Third Semester events, Madarame was released from jail and reconciles with him. He apologizes for all of his past crimes and lets him exhibit "Sayuri" in an art museum using his mother's name. This however, is revealed to be a spell cast by Takuto Maruki and his Persona, for Yusuke subconsciously believes that Madarame was the mentor he always thought he was, and was not a corrupt person right when he was born. Once the protagonist talks to him, the illusion snaps and everything returns to normal at the end of the week, with "Sayuri" returning to LeBlanc on-screen.

If the protagonist maxed his confidant, Yusuke will offer the protagonist to have a talk in his atelier, which appears identical to his room in Persona 5 Dancing. He loathes himself that he averted his eyes from reality and betrayed the protagonist's trust with him, even going as far as denouncing himself as a "utterly hopeless fool" because the protagonist gave him strength to expose Madarame's deception, only for him to fall into Maruki's spell. After denouncing his worth in a long and derogatory rant, he apologizes himself for falling into the same mistakes and tells the protagonist how great his mother was, and the protagonist is his greatest teacher, even going as far as holding the protagonist's shoulders in joy. Realizing this transmogrifies Kamu Susanoo and Goemon into Gorokichi.

Should the protagonist accept any of Maruki's offers to completely overwrite the current reality with his own reality, he will consider transferring to Shujin. During the credits, he is seen being tutored by Madarame.

A few weeks later in Leblanc, after Maruki's defeat and restoring their original reality, each of the Phantom Thieves members revealed their own plans for moving away and pursuing their futures by themselves based on their experiences in January. Yusuke expressed his surprise and mild sadness as the only one who had no plans of moving anywhere but then acknowledges they will need to go their separate ways in life, resolving to carry their bonds and emotions together as the Phantom Thieves throughout his painting career.

Some time after the group aided the protagonist in evading government officials from tracking him as he leaves Tokyo (with the help of the reformed Maruki who now works as a taxi driver), Yusuke continues to sit in front of a blank canvas inside his school's art room. As he noticed a cherry blossom petal landing on top of his phone's screen that displays the Phantom Thieves logo, Yusuke found his inspiration and begins painting his next piece.

Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers[]

"We're the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. We've come to answer the cries of the oppressed."
—Yusuke Kitagawa, Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers

Yusuke is first seen walking with Naoya Makigami and alerts the Phantom Thieves of Hearts to Naoya's post on the Phantom Aficionado Website. He convinces them that they need to stop Kazuya's gang with a more permanent solution than just reporting them to the police. Yusuke is the one to confirm that Naoya is being abused, as he notices bruises on Naoya's back and arms while they are changing clothes. He assists in fighting Kazuya's demon form, Mithras, dispatching his Onmoraki servant with Goemon's ice powers. After Kazuya's arrest, he and the other Phantom Thieves of Hearts prepare for their next heist, with Yusuke commenting that their "next prey is huge."

Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers[]

Six months after the protagonist and Morgana's departure, the former Phantom Thieves planned to reunite together and go on a camping trip together during their summer vacation. Yusuke and the others plan a surprise party in Cafe Leblanc for their reunion back home. While discussing their camping trip, they decide to use a recently popular mobile app called EMMA to look for their camping equipment and everything else that is necessary for their trip. After regrouping back at Leblanc after buying the preparations, he and the others learned of the existence of a new Metaverse-related incident involving a fashion designer and idol known as Alice Hiiragi using a Jail, a prison serving as an overlay in the real world, to mesmerize the public of Shibuya towards her. Knowing the threat, they all decide to investigate, reestablishing the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.

During their investigation on Alice, they are approached by a police officer named Zenkichi Hasegawa, who reveals that the Phantom Thieves are the prime suspects of the recent change of heart throughout Japan. He offers them a deal to clear their names in exchange that they work together with him. Not wanting to accept the offer, the Phantom Thieves are determined to change Alice's heart. Unfortunately, their plan backfires as Alice's change of heart has made the police convinced that the Phantom Thieves are involved, leaving them no choice but to accept Zenkichi's offer.

Yusuke and his friends decides to continue their plan to go on a camping trip while also investigating the Jails. At Sendai, they meet an apparently popular novelist named Ango Natsume. However, when Yusuke tries to read Natsume's novel, Yusuke couldn't feel any passion nor feelings of the author himself. Learning that Natsume has plagiarized other people's work and the popularity of the novel only occurs at Sendai, the Phantom Thieves identified him as the King of Sendai's Jail. With Zenkichi's help, they're able to attend Natsume's party in hope to gain his EMMA keyword. When Natsume starts insulting Sayuri, Yusuke confronts Natsume and reveals that Sayuri was painted by his late mother filled with her love and tells him not to compare it to Natsume's work that only ripped off from others.

After defeating Shadow Natsume, Yusuke reminds him about the real reason that he wrote is to follow the footsteps of his real talented grandfather, Natsume Shougo. He also assures Natsume that he will accept all of the efforts he put into his work. Back to reality, Yusuke attends Natsume's press conference as he confessed to the plagiarism, convincing Natsume to write his own story once he's back to literary world.

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

Yusuke and co are on a regular mission in Mementos when Morgana in mobile form unexpectedly loses control and forcefully drives into a wall, which strands them all in a new world. They manage to escape various dangers and make it to the Cinema, but lose sight of both Makoto and Haru in the process. They also meet the P3P heroine, and with her help, they succeed in saving their friends.

As the team ventures through other movie worlds to find the keys to escape the Cinema, they encounter new allies along the way: the Investigation Team and SEES. With everyone trapped within the same world with no means to escape, the three groups join forces to venture through the challenges together. Yusuke learns two unison attacks by completing side quests: in one of them, Yusuke and Yukiko find artistic inspiration in each other and find an ammonite in Junessic Land. In the second one, he learns to perform the attack with Shinjiro and Akihiko.

Once the threat is no more, everyone returns to their own respective worlds. Their memories of the adventure are erased. Yusuke is last seen with his team in a movie theater where Hikari (a girl they met in the Cinema world) presents her movie.


Persona 5[]


  • "In the earlier days of my career, I would exclusively paint what I desired, when I desired it. The only goal I had in mind was the pursuit of pure beauty... That goal is what drove me onward."
  • "That is why I am so upset with my own indecision. Such vague ambition is, in essence, a sin of sorts... Though I suppose allowing my young career to come to an end here would be even more sinful."
  • "Impurity of the heart will undoubtedly seep onto an artist's canvas eventually."
  • "I do not paint for the sake of others' comprehension."
  • "You are correct. Surrendering myself to fate after only one failure would be very much unlike me."
  • "I will start by painting. After that, I will paint, beyond which I shall paint even more. That is the only way I will learn to capture the essence of emotion. After all, you can only accomplish so much in using logic to analyze the contents of the heart."
  • "Separation is the natural end to any such relationship... but even beyond that, love endures. Precisely... This is the truth of the human heart!"
  • "Love is a broad, multi-faceted beast..."
  • "Perhaps... the truth of the heart lies in the eye of the beholder."
  • "If I do not have belief in my own abilities, I will never come to accomplish anything."
  • "I strove to fight back against the newfound ugliness I saw... To display my talent to those who mocked me... I needed to do whatever it took to validate my artistic ability... In that search for meaning darkness took hold of me."
  • "You are correct... My passion can change the world. However... I would starve to death without money. Passion alone may fill my heart, but it cannot fill my stomach... What a troubling predicament..."
  • "I have been a fool! Beauty is not the superficial thing I have long thought it to be! It is something that wells up within the heart until it breaks free...! It is a gift, given by a subject unto its viewer...!"
  • "So this is the heart of a man... It is ugly... yet beautiful as well. That duality is what makes humanity such an interesting subject..."
  • "Look. This world is a dark, unrelenting place, Protagonist. But that is why I am going to wield my brush again... To give hope to all those who see my paintings."
  • "I am not Madarame. I won't be stained by desire. After all. I can see hope. If I am lost, they will extend their hands. If I am wrong, they will chastise me. ...As long as I have my rays of hope to guide me, I will be fine."

Battle Quotes:

  • "This is my other self!" (Summoning Persona)
  • "I am thou!" (Summoning Persona)
  • "Let's go!" (Summoning Persona)
  • "Persona!" (Summoning Persona)
  • "Die!" (Persona casting skill)
  • "I'll end it!" (Persona casting skill)
  • "Goemon! / Kamu Susano-o! / Gorokichi!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness)
  • "Goemon, strike!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness)
  • "Crush them, Kamu Susano-o!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness)
  • "Wipe them out, Gorokichi!" (Exploiting enemy's weakness)
  • "Take this!" (Using offensive Skill)
  • "Can't stop shaking!" (Inflicted with fear)
  • "Gah...My eyes...!" (Inflicted with dizziness)
  • "I couldn't finish it." (Leaving the enemy alive)
  • "Now! Let us strike!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "Everyone, with me!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "I will slice you to pieces!" (Initiating All-Out Attack)
  • "We've done it!" (All-Out Attack Finishing Touch)
  • "And the curtain falls." (All-Out Attack Finishing Touch)
  • "The finale!" (All-Out Attack Finishing Touch)
  • "Much thanks! / Thank you!" (When someone heals him)
  • "I'll use my own judgment." (Tactics changed to Act Freely)
  • "I will beat them soundly." (Tactics changed to Full Assault)
  • "I won't use my Persona." (Tactics changed to Conserve SP)
  • "Focusing on defense." (Tactics changed to Heal/Support)
  • "Give me your orders." (Tactics changed to Direct Command)
  • "All according to plan." (Battle results)
  • "Well, onto the next triumph." (Battle results)
  • "Easier than cleaning my brushes." (Battle results)


Persona 5
Yusuke cut-in
Yusuke's Close up
Levelup Yusuke
Yusuke's Level-Up icon
Yusuke Text Icon
Yusuke's text icon
Yusuke Confidant Icon
Yusuke's Confidant portrait
Concept art
Concept art
Fox concept art
P5 Cinamatic artwork of Yusuke
Cinematic expressions concept artwork
P5 illustration 02
Illustration by Shigenori Soejima
PERSONA5 package visual
Illustration of the main members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts
PERSONA5 20th Anniversary package visual of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Illustration of the main members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Phantom Thieves of Heart Group 2 P5
Illustration of the main members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Illustration of the main members of Phantom Thieves of Hearts
P5 illustration by Rokuro
Illustration of Yusuke, the protagonist, Ryuji, Ann and Morgana by Rokuro Saito
Persona 5 Official Design Work key visual by Shigenori Soejima
Illustration of Yusuke and the others by Shigenori Soejima
Illustration of Phantom Theives of Heart for P5 Maniax User Handbook Cover Illustration
Persona 5 Maniax User Handbook Cover Illustration of Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Yusuke theme
Yusuke theme 2
Yusuke All Out
All-Out Attack portrait
Yusuke's Finishing Touch
All-Out Attack finishing touch
Yusuke FinishingTouch
All-Out Attack finishing touch
P5 Character 5
Yusuke as he appears in the opening
Yusuke meets the group
P5 mysterious boy mask
Yusuke's fox mask
Yusuke unmasking with bloody fingers
P5 mysterious boy unnamed Persona
Yusuke's Persona, Goemon
A painting of baby Yusuke being cradled by his mother
Yusuke staring at a canvas
Yusuke and Haru
Yusuke in the credits
Persona 5 Royal
P5R Key Art
Yusuke in the P5R key art
Persona 5 royal official art
Yusuke P5R concept
Concept art
Yusuke Showtime
Yusuke's Showtime
P5R Showtime RyujiYusuke
Yusuke and Ryuji's Showtime
P5S Showtime YusukeAnn
Yusuke and Ann's Showtime
P5R SummerFestival
Yusuke with the boys in the summer festival
P5R NewYear
Yusuke with the group on New Years
P5R Photo 02
Yusuke eating hot pot with the protagonist and Ryuji
P5R Photo 03
Yusuke wearing a yukata with Ann and Makoto
P5R Photo 05
Yusuke building a sandcastle at Miura Beach
P5R Photo 07
Yusuke with Ryuji
Yusuke and Madarame Wrong Ending
"The Ideal Teacher and Student"
"A Reality Without Pain"
Persona 5 Portraits
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa
Yusuke's portrait
P5 portrait of Yusuke Smiling
Yusuke smiling
P5 portrait of Yusuke serious
Yusuke scowling
P5 portrait of Yusuke saddened
Yusuke saddened
P5 portrait of Yusuke Suprised
Yusuke surprised
P5 portrait of Yusuke harmed
Yusuke harmed
P5 portrait of Yusuke Angry
Yusuke angry (Unused)
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's phantom thief outfit
Yusuke's Fox outfit
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's phantom thief outfit without mask
Yusuke's Fox outfit without mask
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's summer school uniform
Yusuke's summer school uniform
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's summer attire
Yusuke's summer attire
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's winter attire
Yusuke's winter attire
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's swimsuit
Yusuke's swimsuit
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa's yukata
Yusuke's yukata
P5 portrait of Yusuke Kitagawa, nude
Yusuke shirtless
P5 animated expression of Yusuke Kitagawa 01
Yusuke Cut-in
Yusuke cut-in
Yusuke Cut-in 2
Yusuke cut-in
Yusuke Surprised Cut-in
Yusuke surprised cut-in
Yusuke Serious Cut-in
Yusuke serious cut-in
Yusuke Serious Cut-in 2
Yusuke serious cut-in
Yusuke Serious Cut-in 3
Yusuke serious cut-in
Yusuke Harmed Cut-in
Yusuke harmed cut-in
Yusuke Harmed Cut-in 2
Yusuke harmed cut-in
Persona 5 Royal Portraits
P5R Portrait Yusuke
Yusuke's portrait
P5R Portrait Yusuke Smiling
Yusuke smiling
P5R Portrait Yusuke Scowling
Yusuke scowling
P5R Portrait Yusuke Saddened
Yusuke saddened
P5R Portrait Yusuke Surprised
Yusuke surprised
P5R Portrait Yusuke Harmed
Yusuke harmed
P5R Portrait Yusuke Summer Uniform
Yusuke's summer uniform
P5R Portrait Yusuke Winter Attire
Yusuke's winter attire
P5R Portrait Yusuke Summer Attire
Yusuke's summer attire
P5R Portrait Yusuke Winter Coat 2
Yusuke's outdoor winter coat
P5R Portrait Yusuke Winter Coat 1
Yusuke's indoor winter coat
P5R Portrait Yusuke Scarf
Yusuke with a scarf
P5R Portrait Fox
Fox' portrait
P5R Portrait Fox Smiling
Fox smiling
P5R Portrait Fox Scowling
Fox scowling
P5R Portrait Fox Sad
Fox saddened
P5R Portrait Fox Surprised
Fox surprised
P5R Portrait Fox Harmed
Fox harmed
P5R Portrait Fox Hidden
Fox hidden
P5R Portrait Yusuke Gym
Yusuke's gym outfit
P5R Portrait Yusuke Swimsuit
Yusuke's swimsuit
P5R Portrait Yusuke Yukata
Yusuke in a yukata
P5R Portrait Yusuke Shirtless
Yusuke shirtless
Persona 5 Costumes
Kosei Winter School Uniform
Winter Casual Wear
Summer Casual Wear
Kosei Summer School Uniform
St. Hermelin High School Uniform (DLC)
Seven Sisters High School Uniform (DLC)
Gekkoukan High School Uniform (DLC)
Yasogami High School Uniform (DLC)
Persona 4 Arena Shadow Operation Outfit (DLC)
Karukozaka High School Uniform (DLC)
Shin Megami Tensei IV Costume (DLC)
Swimsuit (DLC)
Catherine Costume (Jonny) (DLC)
Butler Uniform (DLC)
Christmas Costume (DLC)
Persona 5 (Manga)
P5 Vol 3 Cover
Cover for Volume 3
Yusuke on the cover
Persona 5 Character Anthology
P5A Anthology Cover
P5A Anthology cover
Illustration by Persona Q: Side P4 manga author Mizunomoto
Yusuke in the Persona 5 Character Anthology manga adaption
Illustration countdown of Yusuke for Volume 1 of Persona 5: Mementos Mission
Illustration of Yusuke, Ryuji, Morgana and Ren for Chapter 7 of Persona 5: Mementos Mission
Yusuke in Persona 5: Mementos Mission
P5 Mementos Report Vol 2
Yusuke on the cover of Mementos Report Volume 2
Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers
PERSONA5 THE ANIMATION - THE DAY BREAKERS - DVD package visual by Shigenori Soejima
Yusuke Kitagawa and his allies on the cover of Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers
P5 anime Yusuke
Yusuke Kitagawa in Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers
Persona 5 The Animation
P5A visual key art of Yusuke Kitagawa
Visual art of Yusuke Kitagawa
P5A Second Cour Key Visual
Second cour key visual
Persona 5 the Animation DVD Volume 4
Yusuke on DVD Cover of P5A Volume 4
Persona 5 the Animation DVD Reverse Cover Volume 4
Yusuke on DVD Reverse Cover of P5A Volume 4
P5A Yusuke Kitagawa Concept Art 1
Concept art of Yusuke Kitagawa
P5A Yusuke Kitagawa Concept Art 2
Concept art of Yusuke Kitagawa (2)
P5A Artbook Yusuke 1
Yusuke in the P5A Artbook
P5A Artbook Yusuke 2
Yusuke in the P5A Artbook (2)
P5A Artbook Yusuke 3
Yusuke in the P5A Artbook (3)
P5A Artbook Yusuke 4
Yusuke in the P5A Artbook (4)
P5A Artbook Mouse 2
Yusuke as a mouse in the P5A Artbook (1st row)
P5A AtticMeeting Yusuke
Yusuke in Persona 5 The Animation Attic Meeting
Persona 5 x SHIBUYA109 artwork
P5A Masquerade Party Event
Persona 5 Masquerade Party Event
P5A Sega Campaign
Persona 5 Sega Campaign
P5A NewtypeMagazine MorganaYusuke
Yusuke and Morgana in the July 2018 issue of Newtype Magazine
P5A Yusuke as a child
Yusuke as a child
P5 Yusuke and ren
Yusuke and Ren
Ren and yusuke p5a
Yusuke and Ren in their Phantom Thief costumes
Persona 5 The Stage
Cover of P5 the stage
Yusuke on the right-corner on the Persona 5 The Stage cover
Yusuke p5thestage
Yusuke Kitagawa In Persona 5 The Stage
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight
P5D key visual art
Yusuke in the key visual art
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa initial costume
Ball Stage Outfit
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa summer school uniform
Summer Kosei Outfit
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa winter school uniform
Winter Kosei Outfit
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Summer Clothes
Summer Clothes
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Winter Clothes
Winter Clothes
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Swimsuit Outfit
Dotted Surf Trunks
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Phantom Thief Costume
Outlaw's Attire
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Halloween Outfit
Poltergeist Outfit
P5D Yusuke Christmas Outfit
Santa Costume
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa butler suit
Butler Suit
P5D Yusuke Velvet Room Outfit
Deep Blue Clothes
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa SMT I Hero DLC
Hero Suit (SMT I Hero)
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Lifeline of Kamurocho costume
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Jonnys Coat
Jonny's Coat
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Kunoichi Attire
Kunoichi Attire
P5D Yusuke Kitagawa Featherman Costume
Feather Pheasant
Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers
Yusuke P5S concept
Concept art
P5S ReleaseWallpaper Yusuke SP
Yusuke Pre-Release Wallpaper (576x1024)
P5S Yusuke Showtime
Yusuke's Showtime
P5S TitleScreen
Yusuke in the Title Screen
P5S Travelling
Yusuke traveling with the Phantom Thieves
P5S PhantomThievesBushes
Yusuke hiding in the bushes with the Phantom Thieves
Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth
PQ2 Main Visual Artwork
Yusuke with the group
PQ2 main P5 playable characters
Yusuke with the P5 cast
Yusuke and the Phantom Thieves in Mementos
Q2 AOA P5 Fox
Yusuke's All-Out-Attack
Q2 CloseUp Yusuke
Yusuke's Close Up
PQ2 LINE Stamp 22
LINE sticker
Tribute Artworks
P5 Illustration of the main characters by Akaume (PQ Roundbout illustrator)
Illustration of Yusuke and his allies by Akaume (PQ Roundabout author)
P5 Illustration of the Protagonist, Ryuji, Anne, Morgana and Yuske by Rokuro Saito
Illustration of Yusuke, the protagonist, Ryuji, Ann and Morgana by Rokuro Saito
PERSONA 20th Anniversary Festival
Persona 20th Anniversary Commemoration Illustrated, P5, 01
Persona 5 Escape Room Key Visual
Yusuke on the escape room key visual
Yusuke on Persora -The Golden Best 5-
PicaresqueMouse PhantomThieves
Picaresque Mouse Phantom Thieves
PicaresqueMouse Yusuke
Picaresque Mouse Yusuke


Yusuke's Persona 5 Trailer (English)
Yusuke's Persona 5 Trailer (Japanese)
Yusuke's Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight Trailer (Japanese)
Yusuke's Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth Trailer (Japanese)
Yusuke's Persona 5 Royal Trailer (Japanese)
Yusuke's Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers Trailer (Japanese)


Yusuke's last name and the design of his Persona Goemon are references to Utamaro Kitagawa (喜多川 歌麿), one of the most highly regarded practitioners of the ukiyo-e genre of woodblock prints, especially for his portraits of beautiful women, or bijin-ga. As an adult, he was known by the given name Yūsuke (勇助).

На других языках[]

Язык Имена
Flag of the United States Английский Yusuke Kitagawa Fox
Flag of Japan Японский 喜多川 祐介 (Kitagawa Yūsuke) フォックス (Fokkusu)
Flag of South Korea Корейский 키타가와 유스케 (Kitagawa Yuseuke) 폭스 (Pogseu)
Flag of Hong KongFlag of the Republic of China Традиционный Китайский 喜多川 祐介 (Xǐduōchuān yòujiè) FOX


  • Futaba often refers to Yusuke as "Inari." Although the name itself comes from Oinari, the Japanese god of foxes, Futaba herself cites inarizushi, a fried sushi dish that foxes had a fondness for according to Japanese folklore, as the origin of the nickname.
  • Yusuke often glitches when using the "Harisen Recovery" skill. This leads to him hitting his teammates with his hand rather than a paper fan.
  • Being an artist in game, Yusuke's Confidant ability to "paint" a Skill Card on a Blank Card is reminiscent of the Tarot Card replication service in Persona 2 provided by Demon Painter, who is Kazuma Kaneko's in-game cameo. There is also the Skill Card replication service in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment but that requires sacrificing one for registration to make that card purchasable infinitely for a relatively high price depending on the rank of each card.
  • Yusuke is the tallest member of the Phantom Thieves, standing at 5'11" (181 cm) tall.
  • It is implied in the game that Yusuke brings bad weather wherever he goes. The Phantom Thieves blame him for causing the rain during the fireworks festival once they learn that Yusuke has joined them in Hawaii after storms prevented Kosei High from landing in Los Angeles. This can be seen as almost every time Yusuke decides to hang out with the protagonist in Leblanc there is rain or heavy rain. Interestingly, his ultimate Persona, Kamu Susano-o, is the god of storms.
  • When Yusuke fiddled with Futaba's Phoenix Rangers Neo Featherman figures, the poses of the figures are reminiscent of the Шаблон:Wikia from the Dragon Ball series.
  • Yusuke doesn't like his mask.[1]
  • When opening a chest, Yusuke can wag his tail.[2]
  • Yusuke gets carsick whenever the player drives around in Mementos.
  • Just like with Makoto Niijima, Goro Akechi, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki and Haru Okumura before, the official twitter account for the Persona series posted a "birthday reveal message" for Yusuke on January 23, 2018, five days before his actual birthday to promote an event to celebrate it on the actual day, January 28.
  • Yusuke coincidentally shares the same Japanese and English voice actors as Chrom, Tomokazu Sugita and Matthew Mercer, respectively.
    • Additionally, they both have blue hair and wield swords as their primary weapon.

Appearances in Other Media[]

  • Lord of Vermilion Re:3:
    • Fox
    • Collaboration event: December 12, 2016 - December 25, 2016.[1]
  • BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle:
    • Color swap for Kanji Tatsumi.
  • Chain Chronicle:
    • Fox, Warrior class, 4-star
    • Article in Chain Chronicle Wiki
    • Collaboration event: January 19th, 2017 - January 31st, 2017[2]
  • Granblue Fantasy:
    • Fox, NPC
    • Article in Granblue Fantasy Wiki
    • Collaboration event: June 18th, 2018 - June 29th, 2018[3]
  • Puyo Puyo!! Quest:
    • Yusuke, Balance Type, 6-star
    • Article in Puyo Nexus
    • Collaboration event for Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: December 3rd, 2018[4]
  • Catherine: Full Body:
    • DLC NPC
  • Kyoutou Kotoba RPG:
    • Yusuke (Kotodaman); Normal (5-star), Phantom Thief (6-star)
    • Collaboration event: March 5th, 2019 - March 28th, 2019[5]
  • Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: 
    • Cameo during Joker's Final Smash and Mementos
    • Primary Spirit (Novice Class, Grab Type); In his challenge, his Spirit is used by a black Chrom fighter. His Persona, Goemon, takes the form of a giant, turquoise King Dedede equipped with a Killing Edge.
    • Article in SmashWiki
    • Part of the Joker DLC: April 17th, 2019
  • Identity V:
    • Fox skin for Embalmer
    • First collaboration event: August 8th, 2019 - August 29th, 2019[6]
  • Шаблон:Wikia
    • Collaboration event: October 10th, 2019 - November 7th, 2019[7]


Lord of Vermilion Re:3
Fox In Lord of Vermillion Re:3
Chain Chronicle
Chain Chronicle Card Yusuke
Fox's card in Chain Chronicle
Cha 2d whole 80337
Fox in Chain Chronicle
Cha 2d whole 80338
Fox in Chain Chronicle
Cha 2d whole 80339
Fox in Chain Chronicle
Granblue Fantasy
Granblue Fantasy x P5 Group
Fox with the Thieves in Granblue Fantasy
GBF FinishingTouch Yusuke
Fox's Finishing Touch in Granblue Fantasy
Granblue Fantasy x P5 Yusuke Sprite
Fox's default portraits for Granblue Fantasy
GBF Yusuke Angry
Yusuke angry
GBF Yusuke Laugh
Yusuke laughing
GBF Yusuke Sad
Yusuke sad
GBF Yusuke Surprise
Yusuke surprised
GBF Yusuke Wink
Yusuke winking
GBF Fox Angry
Fox angry
GBF Fox Laugh
Fox laughing
GBF Fox Sad
Fox sad
GBF Fox Surprise
Fox surprised
Kyoutou Kotoba RPG
Kyoutou Kotoba RPG Yusuke 1
Yusuke in Kyoutou Kotoba RPG
Kyoutou Kotoba RPG Yusuke 2
Fox in Kyoutou Kotoba RPG
Identity V
Identity V x P5 3
Fox in Identity V
Identity V x P5
Fox in Identity V
Identity V x P5 2
Yusuke in Identity V
Identity V Concept Yusuke 1
Yusuke's Concept Art in Identity V
Identity V Concept Yusuke 2
Fox's Concept Art in Identity V
IdentityV PhantomThieves
Illustration of the Phantom Thieves as part of the 2nd Identity V collaboration event.
Persona 5 x Sanrio
Persona 5, in collaboration with Sanrio
Yusuke Funko pop
Yusuke Kitagawa’s Funko POP dressed as Fox



Играбельные ПротагонистМорганаРюджи СакамотоЭнн ТакамакиЮсуке КитагаваМакото НииджимаФутаба СакураХару ОкумураГоро АкечиСумире Йошизава
Доверенные ИгорьСоджиро СакураЧихая МифунеМунехиса ИвайТае ТакемиСадаё КавакамиИчико ОхяШиня ОдаХифуми ТогоЮуки МишимаТораносуке ЙошидаКаролина и ЖюстинаСае НииджимаТакуто Маруки
Прочие Директор КобаякаваДиректор ООРСугуру КамошидаШихо СузуиНацухико НаканохараМикаИчирюсай МадарамеДжунья КанешироМеджедТеневая ФутабаВакаба ИшшикиКуникадзу ОкумураСугимураМасаёши ШидоСвятой Грааль/ЯлдабаофКазуя МакигамиНаоя МакигамиТеневой МишимаШиничи ЙошизаваРумиХосеКасуми ЙошизаваТренер ХиракучиАзатот / Адам Кадмон
Токио Йонген-Джая (Кафе Леблан) — СибуяАояма-Ичтоме (Академия Шуджин) — СиндзюкуАкихабараКитидзёдзиОгикубоПарк ИнокашираЦукусимаАкасака МицукеСуидобашиПрибрежный парк ОдайбаИтигаяИкебукуроГинзаХарадзюкуХрам МейдзиДзинбоПляж МиураМайхама (Дестиниленд Токио)КандаРоппонгиУеноАсакусаКитайский кварталНагатачоСинагаваНаканаШкола Косей
Дворцы Дворец КамошидыДворец МадарамеДворец КанешироДворец ФутабыДворец ОкумурыДворец НииджимыДворец ШидоМементос (Путь ЦимранутаПуть АйяцбусаПуть ЧемдыПуть КайтуляПуть АкцерйютаПуть АдьехачаПуть ШерирутаГлубины Мементос/Мир КлипотПуть Да’ата) — Дворец Маруки
Прочее Бархатная комнатаГавайиЛогово воров
Альбомы Original Soundtrack (Persona 5 / Royal)
Songs «Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There» — «Life Will Change» — «Beneath the Mask» — «Last Surprise» — «Rivers in the Desert» — «The Whims of Fate» — «Tokyo Daylight» — «Hoshi To Bokura To» — «Break In To Break Out» — «Infinity» — «Dark Sun...» — «Autonomy» — «Found a Light» — «IT'S TOO LATE» — «Colors Flying High» — «Take Over» — «That Guy is a Trickster» — «I Believe» — «No More What Ifs» — «Throw Away Your Mask» — «Our Light»
История ПерсонаПользователь ПерсоныТеньТеневая личностьСознаниеТелефонМетавселеннаяМетавселенский навигаторМаскаШальная картаПризрачные воры сердецСайт Призрачных поклонниковЗаговорщикиСокровищеПолицияВизиткаПеремена сердцаМентальное отключениеОбществоСемь смертных грехов
Школьная жизнь Дневная жизньЗанятияКалендарьПрогноз погодыДоверенныеСоциальные параметрыЙенаУбежищеКлассБаняУчёбаУжинМэйдо-кафеБильярдЧтениеDVD-дискиРетро-игрыКинотеатрБейсбольный кортРыбацкий прудКроссвордПингвин-снайперИнструменты вораГотовкаТренировкаСтарый храмПодработкиХрамИсповедальняДжаз ДжинДомашнее растениеТелевикторинаДоскаВегетарианоЛотерея
Продавцы МагазиныТорговые автоматыКлиника ТакемиНеприкасаемыйМагазин ХосеМагазин на диванеТёмные товары Танаки
Призрачная жизнь Задания в МементосТретий глазУровень безопасностиДемон сокровищаБезопасная комнатаГильдия воровВрагиБоссыКарта навыка
Бой Боевые параметрыСтатус-эффектыПредметыНавыкиСопартийцыНавигаторТактикаПередача ходаСмена командыВремя шоуВрезкаСовместная атакаУдержаниеЛичностьПроигрыш
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Продукция Night of the PhantomPersona 5 The Animation The Day BreakersPersona 5 The Animation (Эпизоды) — Persona O.APersona 5 The Night BreakersPersona 20th Anniversary All Time Best AlbumPersona 5 The Stage
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Шаблон:P5D Шаблон:P5S Шаблон:PQ2
