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Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down est un thème dans Persona 4: the Animation. Ce thème est composé par Shoji Meguro, interprété par Shihoko Hirata, avec Lotus Juice en chœur, et écrit par ce dernier.


Baby on dear
It's never too clear
But anbiguity is the beauty
Of what holds tommorow
Good, bad, so-so
Trying to make it so remarkable
Each day I say
That I can do anything if someone else can
Making it right no
Making a left no
Making my own road instead oh
Let the haters keep thier snobs
In the end they'd love kill for ur job
So believe in it
Work at it
Knikey at it, just do it ahh
What's just for you may not apply to me
And I lust it
No more sick rules which I must spit
I know I can
Yes I can
Be whatever I wanna become
There is nothing in this world I can not do
So I believe
Truly believing in my dreams
Making them just dreams no more
