Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down est un thème dans Persona 4: the Animation. Ce thème est composé par Shoji Meguro, interprété par Shihoko Hirata, avec Lotus Juice en chœur, et écrit par ce dernier.
- Baby on dear
- It's never too clear
- But anbiguity is the beauty
- Of what holds tommorow
- Good, bad, so-so
- Trying to make it so remarkable
- Each day I say
- That I can do anything if someone else can
- Making it right no
- Making a left no
- Making my own road instead oh
- Let the haters keep thier snobs
- In the end they'd love kill for ur job
- So believe in it
- Work at it
- Knikey at it, just do it ahh
- What's just for you may not apply to me
- And I lust it
- No more sick rules which I must spit
- I know I can
- Yes I can
- Be whatever I wanna become
- There is nothing in this world I can not do
- So I believe
- Truly believing in my dreams
- Making them just dreams no more